Saturday, October 06, 2012
One Week Anniversary
Since getting married and such is quite a big milestone in life, I thought if might be of some value to chronicle in some way how I felt/feel about it. Thus, here I am at 8am on Saturday morning, chronicling...
I grew up in a tough environment. I would not describe my childhood years as normal, happy, well-adjusted. I had my little brother and any happy times I had as a kid involved him. Otherwise, it was not a good time. I spent my younger adult years sort of wandering. I had good relationships and bad ones. At some points, I just wasn't ready for the good relationships to become marriage and the bad ones just made me want to give up entirely. Before I met Brian, I was ready to just give up and accept my life as the crazy cat lady. I was wondering if life would ever just ease up and if the bullshit quota would ever be met. It was a joke i had. I had convinced myself that everyone's life had a bullshit quote: the amount of bullshit that we each had to put up with before we could just have a regular normal life. I was wondering if i just had a particularly high quota to meet. I mean, even by 32 years old, I'd had a long life. Growing up with my mom, my father's death, the fire, taking care of Aunt Laura and her death...that's a lot to pack into the first third of one's life. So, I wasn't feeling sorry for myself, but I was wondering if this was how it would always be or if maybe there would be a break thrown in at some point. And that's when I met Brian. Funny how that works.
I woke up this morning and I looked around me. There's the dog, passed out on the floor in that way that only dogs can sleep. Like she just spent a hard night out running the streets and she's exhausted so every part of her body looks flopped on the ground, passed out. One cat is nestled down at the bottom of the bed, one is dangling over the edge of the sugar glider's cage and playing, one is curled up on the dresser, and the fourth is lying on Brian's chest and staring at him. Brian is asleep on his back but, thankfully, his mouth is closed so he's not snoring and he looks so young. When he sleeps, his whole face relaxes and he's like 25.
I woke up and i surveyed this scene around me and I thought "This is my life. My happy, normal, well-adjusted life." I thought about the wedding and Brian's family and how a few months ago my brother had asked me why I wanted to marry Brian. He was trying to elicit some sort of emotion out of me, which is not really how I roll. I think I said something like "mumble, mumble, because I love him or whatever, shut up, don't be cheesey." No one can accuse me of being adept at expressing my emotions.
Brian is an amazing person. I know this not just because I think so but because of the way the people around him think so, as well. He has this huge extended family. There are 3 sisters, 1 brother, two sets of parents, 6 neices and nephews, 6 grandneices and nephews, and uncles and aunts. Except for his mother, father, and half-brother, non of these people are actually blood related to him, but there are all LOVE related to him. It's amazing, really, because put all these people in a room together and I think the single thing they could all 100% agree on is that they love and respect and like Brian. Plus, he has like a million friends. My own brother loved him from like the second they met. That's just the kind of guy Brian is. He requires a lot of attention, can never find anything (seriously, what's up with that), and gets cranky if not fed and watered frequently, but he's the kind of person that everyone loves. He's smart and responsible and funny and dependable and energetic and a bit ADD. He's never cruel or hurtful and he almost always does what he says. He calls to say he'll be late, he's open about every aspect of his life, he's never sketchy or secretive. He's the kind of person you just trust immediately without question because minutes after meeting him you can tell he has this grounded morality that doesn't allow him to be dishonest. Obviously, he's not perfect, but his flaws are things like, he's a bit sloppy and sometimes he gets pouty. These are not tragic flaws and his good qualities far outweigh any flaws he has.
Beyond just Brian, though, there is his family and friends. These are amazing people. They love him and respect him and they support him in the things he wants to do in life. And all of these people have made me feel like part of all that.
So, the wedding...This is where it was reinforced in my head that not only was I marrying the right person, but I was marrying into a great and wonderful family. Brian's family (which to me includes Vince and Kristina) like banded together as this cohesive unit to help pull the whole thing together. Not to take anything away from my brother, his girlfriend, my best friend and her boyfriend because they all came together as part of this giant gang to help bring it all together. It was just amazing to see all these people working to help make our wedding (the whole weekend, really) awesome.
This is how amazing everyone is:
1. Friday, his entire family cam over for the rehearsal dinner. They helped with food, and clean-up and last minute wedding stuff. And when i slam dunked his sister's birthday cake onto the floor (in a most embarrassing display of non-balance ever), she was 100% gracious and everyone laughed and we cleaned it up and the kids ate floor cake.
2. When we needed people to help us set up on Saturday morning, this massive gang of people came over to the Speak Easy at like 8am and just got it done! His dads, his sister, his brother-in-laws, his best friends, their wives, my best friend and her boyfriend, the kids, my brother and his girlfriend, it was amazing, and they all did an amazing job. My favorite picture from that:
Brian's dads, Rich and Phil, and his brother-in-law, Jeff, making bouquets!
3. Brian's sister, Teri, and his niece, Andrea, putting together the greatest flash mob ever to dance at the wedding. OMG. It's the only moment of the entire wedding that I felt regret over not having a videographer. The entire Fergie clan, Teri, JR, Brian's minions, Karen's minions all dancing to Gangnam Style. It was truely amazing and probably my favorite part of the whole night.
4. While Kristy and I were getting ready, her boyfriend helped iron all the minions dress shirts. He just came by to drop something off and we roped him in but without his help, it would not have gotten done. And it may seem like a small thing, but it wasn't because those shirts were in a tragic state.
5. Kristy and Eric and Noah and Adam coming by Sunday morning and helping me and the little minions get the Speak Easy back to normal and cleaning. Brian had to take Gavin to soccer and I could not have done it without them.
6. Just everyone having a good time and dancing and laughing and taking mustache (I provided each guest with a fake mustache) photos in the photobooth.
Overall, it was just a great weekend and a great reminder of the fact that I'm lucky. I sometimes don't really know or understand how I got here to this place of happy normalcy, but I know that I'm lucky.
Jenn daSilva Rowe Warhammer
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
My blog is practically as rare as seeing Big Foot these days...
If memory serves...
Unbelievably, Blogger is one of the few sites that my work does not block like the evil internet nazis that they are. And today is NOT the day that I smell like chicken soup! Darn it, how do I always end up with food on my clothes?!?
This blog is brought to you by the realization that I have a crappy memory and blogging is the only way for me to have any idea what went on in my life.
Seriously, it's a sad sad state that my mind is in. I am trying to put together a memory book for Brian as a sort of wedding present, and I can't remember ANYTHING. Like, I know we went on a cruise in Jan 2011 and I know it was in the Caribbean, but hell if i can remember where it stopped. I remember the bike ride to Hell (the town, not the burning inferno) but I have no idea where Hell is. I remember some ruins and well rehearsed iguanas, but not what country we were in. It's a little scary. This of course downward spiraled into the realization that if I don't blog about it, then how will i know it happened? Facebook is worthless for any long term chronicle. It's more a chronicle of my ADD thoughts. Profound thoughts, like, "I could sleep for 20+ hours" and "I need a clone". Not that my blog is much more profound, but it does feel more substantial. Anyway....
The Capture....
All this wedding stuff is starting to take it's toll. I'm pretty sure I've developed a twitch. Like in my whole body. Is it normal that whenever anyone says the word "wedding", I immediately start looking for the nearest exit? Literally, not metaphorically. I'm still me and my psychological responses are pretty straightforward. Impending wedding = nervous = flight instinct = look for actual door. I still have a list of To Dos to get done before next Saturday. Nothing big like "book caterer" or anything, but enough details that when I found out yesterday that the best man didn't have his suit yet, I nearly had a nervous breakdown. It's not helping that as a result of a go cart meets wall crash at his bachelor party, my betrothed can barely walk. Awesome. I feel like I"m much more suited to be a wedding planner, rather than a wedding participant. I enjoy the planning parts, but i'm such a control freak, I'm wondering how I'm going to be able to hand over the reigns to my coordinator on the day of. Meh.
It's funny how I'm at work and they think that I can actually focus on anything work related. That's the problem with working with a group of dudes. They just don't get that my mind is filled with other things right now. Usually, I'm pretty good at compartmentalizing things but in 11 days I'm going to commit my vagina to one person for the rest of my life, so I guess I'm a little distracted. Side Note: I don't know why but I keep thinking how the only things a person commits their entire life to is marriage and imprisonment by law enforcement. Oh, and I guess God. Just saying. So, I guess I'm a little nervous. I mean, I would have probably stayed with Brian until the end of days anyway. I mean, it's not like dating is my favorite thing, I'm also kind of lazy, and Brian doesn't suck. But I guess the idea that it's like documented and I'm all changing my name and stuff makes it seem so official. I mean, I guess it actually will be official or whatever. Speaking of official, why is the paperwork for name change so ridiculous. OMG. I tried to convince Brian that we should both change our last name to something new, like Rowsilva or Warhammer. He didn't go for it. You can't tell me, though, that Brian and Jenn Warhammer doesn't sound awesome. "Hello, we are the Warhammers." "Oh, them? Those are the Warhammers and they are AWESOME!"
Ok, so hopefully I'll have like 1 million photos to post from this wedding. I have photos from all sorts of stuff but I'm sucky about posting them. I really need to get better at this.
Trying to remember everything you've done with someone in the last 3 years is hard. Wow, I really need to keep up with stuff so that I don't forget my whole life! Now to reconstruct it all via Facebook, Blogger, and Xanga!
Jenn - 11 days and I will be Jennifer daSilva Rowe.
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Facebook has ruined me...
I suppose I could blame life and work and the almost husband and step-minions for taking up so much time that I just don't find the time to sit down and get my thoughts together. But that would be a stinking lie, because if I have time to sit around watching all 2 1/4 seasons of Pretty Little Liars, I could certainly find a moment to blog. I can't even blame wedding planning, because other than the invites that I've procrastinated completing, I'm pretty much all set on the wedding front. So, really, what is it that keeps me from blogging?
1. Laziness - really, if I'm honest with myself, this would be the number one reason I don't blog. All the other reasons just feed into this one.
2. Facebook - Though I curse it on a daily basis for it's constantly changing interface and impossible web of navigation and for the fact that it makes very bad decisions on my behalf, it feeds my laziness by allowing me to purge my thoughts in bit size chucks at the moment they flit through my brain. It's the ultimate ADD brain tool. I don't even have to make any sense because my random snippet of thought will be lost in a sea of nonsense within minutes anyway.
Really, those are the only two reasons. I've got plenty to blog about, what with having done Tough Mudder, Zombie Race, wedding planning, vacation in texas and other stuff this summer. But laziness rears it's ugly head and entire months of my life go undocumented. Heck, my training blog would be considered pathetic. It's not like we've stopped working out. Mr. Crazypants has me running every other day and now he wants to start Insanity. The workout, not the state of mind, though i could see how one could get the two confused.
Eventually, I need to post the engagement photos just so that people who don't want to log into pictage can see them. Meh. I'll get around to it. hopefully...
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
Boys are gross...
1. Wearing the same tee shirt every day
2. Farting
3. Cereal
4. Video Games
5. Being Dirty
6. Making a mess 4 seconds after I've cleaned
List of Things That Boys Ages 10-16 Don't Like...
1. Changing their underwear
2. Showering
3. Anything I make for dinner
4. Using their indoor voice
5. Soap
6.Anything I suggest (that's is until they actually do what I've suggested or watch what I've suggested. then i'm like a genius. it's the battle up until that point that gets me)
7. Vegetables
8. Working
9. Helping around the house
Soon, I Can Call Them Step-Minions...
So, the minions are gross. Like totally disgusting. I'm pretty sure that if I wasn't there, they would go the entire 4 days of their weekend visits without changing clothes, underwear, and/or showering. Of course, I can't totally blame them. It's not like Betrothed (formally known as Boyfriend) remembers to tell them to shower. Beyond that, they are still gross. When I ask them to shower, it's like I've asked them to shower using flesh eating acid. Oh, the horrified looks. After they shower, I have to ask if they've changed their underwear because they will put the same gross pair right back on. Seriously, is this normal boy behavior? I'm at a disadvantage, never having been a teenage boy. I showered regularly without being asked. It was sort of my thing, being clean and all. And no one had to remind me to change my underwear because I actually like wearing clean underwear.
And Then They Are Fashionistas...
The same boys who want to wear the same clothes every day and not change their underwear are remarkably fashion conscious. Like last week, Minion 2 liked red, but this week he doesn't. Or the cut of the jeans that fit him. And he won't wear shorts because he doesn't like showing his knees. The oldest (15) will pretty much only wear super hero tee shirts. As opposed to last year, when while at Old Navy I said he should get a Superman Tee because it was cool. But maybe i was just a year ahead of fashion. I personally didn't think super hero tees ever went out of style.
Perhaps I Should Just Be Happy...
I guess I should appreciate the fact that they *mostly* use utensils at the table and that they don't fling feces at me.
Jenn - They are animals, I tell you...
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Welcome to 2012 and stuff...
Right, Right, I'm still in this world of blogging...
It's not my fault I have an average life of averageness and little to say about it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Like I need something to say to blog. Really, I'm just lazy. And...nope, no other reason. Lazy pretty much covers it.
2011: The Best Cupcake
Most likely, no one knows this (because I don't think I really mentioned it to anyone) but I was on a quest last year. A quest that took me to bakeries and bakery counters throughout the greater Indianapolis area. I was determined to find the most delicious cupcake (not baked by me) in the area. It was tough, all those cupcakes I had to eat, most of them only medium. Some were terrible. This one place, a new bakery that had opened up practically walking distance from my house, had the WORST cupcakes. How do you mess up a cupcake? I'll tell you: Bad frosting. It was like wax. And there was way too much. Which sounds crazy, because how can there be TOO much frosting, but when it's bad frosting, there can be too much. I tried all the local bakeries that the Indianer folks had raved about. Meh. Not impressed. Finally, sometime in November, I went to a new Play It Again Sports that had just opened up down the road from work to see if they had any wetsuits (so it must have been before Tough Mudder), and next door was a place called Pat-A-Cakes and Cookies Too. Not being someone who can pass up the chance at a cupcake, I walked in and got a mint chocolate cupcake. OMG. It was sooooo freaking good. The cupcake was slightly larger than a normal sized cupcake. The chocolate cake was soft and moist and delightful. The mint frosting was creamy and there was just the right amount. I think a feel a tear sliding down my cheek just thinking about it. So, best cupcakes in Indianapolis area goes to: Pat-A-Cakes and Cookies Too.
Right, I probably have more time on my hands than I should.
2012: The Best Meatball Sub
2012 brings me to the Quest for the Best Meatball Sub Sandwich. So far, FAIL. We got meatball sandwiches from a place called Goodfella's last night. They were so gross. The failure was of epic proportions. Allow me to start with the bread. It was a freaking hamburger bun. FAIL. The Meatball was all mushy and tasted of soggy dishtowel. The sauce was watery and flavorless. I couldn't have been more disappointed with this sandwich if I tried. I believe that Boyfriend's exact response to the horribleness was "I want to wash my mouth out with poison to get the taste of this sandwich out of it."
So, Goodfells's Fishers, FAIL. We also had a sampler from the place. It included fried raviolis (meh, they were ok), their version of fried mozzarella (which tasted like mozzarella on white bread and the whole thing then being deep fried. It was gross. And I LOVE fried cheese), Garlic bread (how do you mess up GARLIC BREAD? Well, they did. It was soggy, and not really garlicy), Chicken fingers (worst breading award goes to...) and wings. The wings didn't make me want to punch babies, but I tried those last, so pretty much anything would have been good to me at that point. I normally don't flame places this bad, but the amount of disappointment that I suffered from their TERRIBLE meatball sub has motivated me. Plus, this is like the third time we've gotten food from there and it's been awful every time. Apparently, we are not good at learning lessons.
New Year's Resolutions
I don't think that I normally make resolutions. If I do, I guess I forget them since I can't remember any. Oh, wait, I have a blog! I'll take a look...yup, since the start of my blogging, no resolutions. Except for 2008, when I apparently decided that resolutions were needed. And 2005, there was no resolutions but a story that makes me seem a bit trashy. What can I say? I was a player once upon a time before I became this suburban step-Jenn that you all now know.
Basement Renovations
Well, the basement renovations begin in a couple of weeks. Once completed, there will be an addition bathroom, two bedrooms (one will be used as a family/workout room), a storage room, a wet bar, an area where we will eventually put something pool table like, a laundry area and some closets. Um, our basement is huge it would seem. It will be nice to be able to use the downstairs and actually walk out the basement doors into the back yard. Though, people are questioning my choice to have the laundry be in the basement. Right now it's in a small room coming in from the garage and it's cramped. I'll leave the hook-ups that are there for future residents, but I don't really mind walking laundry up from the basement. I've been doing that for most of my life (when I wasn't doing laundry at a laundry mat). I guess the new trend is to have first floor laundry to go with the first floor master bedroom. Meh. A few extra flights of stairs per week aren't going to kill me. I should take some before pictures. So I can remember the world before a finished basement.
Mostly, I'm just excited for an excuse to go to IKEA this weekend to get the bathroom sink and cabinet. I love a good IKEA trip.
That's all I got for now...
Jenn- I got a keyboard for my iPad for Christmas so I may actually make more of a blogging effort...but don't hold me to that...