List of Things That Boys Ages 10-16 Like...
1. Wearing the same tee shirt every day
2. Farting
3. Cereal
4. Video Games
5. Being Dirty
6. Making a mess 4 seconds after I've cleaned
List of Things That Boys Ages 10-16 Don't Like...
1. Changing their underwear
2. Showering
3. Anything I make for dinner
4. Using their indoor voice
5. Soap
6.Anything I suggest (that's is until they actually do what I've suggested or watch what I've suggested. then i'm like a genius. it's the battle up until that point that gets me)
7. Vegetables
8. Working
9. Helping around the house
Soon, I Can Call Them Step-Minions...
So, the minions are gross. Like totally disgusting. I'm pretty sure that if I wasn't there, they would go the entire 4 days of their weekend visits without changing clothes, underwear, and/or showering. Of course, I can't totally blame them. It's not like Betrothed (formally known as Boyfriend) remembers to tell them to shower. Beyond that, they are still gross. When I ask them to shower, it's like I've asked them to shower using flesh eating acid. Oh, the horrified looks. After they shower, I have to ask if they've changed their underwear because they will put the same gross pair right back on. Seriously, is this normal boy behavior? I'm at a disadvantage, never having been a teenage boy. I showered regularly without being asked. It was sort of my thing, being clean and all. And no one had to remind me to change my underwear because I actually like wearing clean underwear.
And Then They Are Fashionistas...
The same boys who want to wear the same clothes every day and not change their underwear are remarkably fashion conscious. Like last week, Minion 2 liked red, but this week he doesn't. Or the cut of the jeans that fit him. And he won't wear shorts because he doesn't like showing his knees. The oldest (15) will pretty much only wear super hero tee shirts. As opposed to last year, when while at Old Navy I said he should get a Superman Tee because it was cool. But maybe i was just a year ahead of fashion. I personally didn't think super hero tees ever went out of style.
Perhaps I Should Just Be Happy...
I guess I should appreciate the fact that they *mostly* use utensils at the table and that they don't fling feces at me.
Jenn - They are animals, I tell you...