If memory serves...
Unbelievably, Blogger is one of the few sites that my work does not block like the evil internet nazis that they are. And today is NOT the day that I smell like chicken soup! Darn it, how do I always end up with food on my clothes?!?
This blog is brought to you by the realization that I have a crappy memory and blogging is the only way for me to have any idea what went on in my life.
Seriously, it's a sad sad state that my mind is in. I am trying to put together a memory book for Brian as a sort of wedding present, and I can't remember ANYTHING. Like, I know we went on a cruise in Jan 2011 and I know it was in the Caribbean, but hell if i can remember where it stopped. I remember the bike ride to Hell (the town, not the burning inferno) but I have no idea where Hell is. I remember some ruins and well rehearsed iguanas, but not what country we were in. It's a little scary. This of course downward spiraled into the realization that if I don't blog about it, then how will i know it happened? Facebook is worthless for any long term chronicle. It's more a chronicle of my ADD thoughts. Profound thoughts, like, "I could sleep for 20+ hours" and "I need a clone". Not that my blog is much more profound, but it does feel more substantial. Anyway....
The Capture....
All this wedding stuff is starting to take it's toll. I'm pretty sure I've developed a twitch. Like in my whole body. Is it normal that whenever anyone says the word "wedding", I immediately start looking for the nearest exit? Literally, not metaphorically. I'm still me and my psychological responses are pretty straightforward. Impending wedding = nervous = flight instinct = look for actual door. I still have a list of To Dos to get done before next Saturday. Nothing big like "book caterer" or anything, but enough details that when I found out yesterday that the best man didn't have his suit yet, I nearly had a nervous breakdown. It's not helping that as a result of a go cart meets wall crash at his bachelor party, my betrothed can barely walk. Awesome. I feel like I"m much more suited to be a wedding planner, rather than a wedding participant. I enjoy the planning parts, but i'm such a control freak, I'm wondering how I'm going to be able to hand over the reigns to my coordinator on the day of. Meh.
It's funny how I'm at work and they think that I can actually focus on anything work related. That's the problem with working with a group of dudes. They just don't get that my mind is filled with other things right now. Usually, I'm pretty good at compartmentalizing things but in 11 days I'm going to commit my vagina to one person for the rest of my life, so I guess I'm a little distracted. Side Note: I don't know why but I keep thinking how the only things a person commits their entire life to is marriage and imprisonment by law enforcement. Oh, and I guess God. Just saying. So, I guess I'm a little nervous. I mean, I would have probably stayed with Brian until the end of days anyway. I mean, it's not like dating is my favorite thing, I'm also kind of lazy, and Brian doesn't suck. But I guess the idea that it's like documented and I'm all changing my name and stuff makes it seem so official. I mean, I guess it actually will be official or whatever. Speaking of official, why is the paperwork for name change so ridiculous. OMG. I tried to convince Brian that we should both change our last name to something new, like Rowsilva or Warhammer. He didn't go for it. You can't tell me, though, that Brian and Jenn Warhammer doesn't sound awesome. "Hello, we are the Warhammers." "Oh, them? Those are the Warhammers and they are AWESOME!"
Ok, so hopefully I'll have like 1 million photos to post from this wedding. I have photos from all sorts of stuff but I'm sucky about posting them. I really need to get better at this.
Trying to remember everything you've done with someone in the last 3 years is hard. Wow, I really need to keep up with stuff so that I don't forget my whole life! Now to reconstruct it all via Facebook, Blogger, and Xanga!
Jenn - 11 days and I will be Jennifer daSilva Rowe.