Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just sitting here burping up fish oil...

Quote of the Day: When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water. -?

I know a lot of people who really should take that advice...just saying...

Super Duper Uber Vitamins...
I started taking these GNC uber vitamin packs for womem. They are pretty fancy.  I assume that they are fancy based on the fact that there are 6 GIANT pills to take, a very long list of what's in them listed on the box, and they are kind of pricey.  It takes me like half an hour to take the vitamins because there are so many of them and they are each massive.  I take them with food so that they will not make me sick.  Side effects so far: my pee is a pretty fancy shade of fluorescent yellow and I keep burping up the taste of fish oil.  The vitamin specifically for joints or something is a fish oil one.  Super fancy.  I'm assuming that these vitamins will provide me with overall better health.  That or they are just improving my gag reflex due to their massive size.  I'm hoping to be able to take two at a time by next week. *insert inappropriate perv joke here*

Things that should not be eaten at room temp...
1. Cottage Cheese
2. Cheddar Cheese
I only mention this because I did not have a chance to eat any of the food items I brought with me to work before I got back from my lunchtime run.  Meaning, the cottage cheese and cheddar cheese that I had originally intended to eat this morning was not consumed until about 2:30.  And they were less then delightful.  Though, I once again proved that I will pretty much eat ANYTHING after I workout and I am STARVING.

No, I am not FROM Indiana...
So, I've lived in Indianapolis for almost a year now.  I still haven't gotten my driver's license switched (um, they make you take a written test in Indiana if you are not from here. WHAT?!!??!) or updated my license plates and registration for my car.  I could blame this on the fact that I'm not totally ready to let go of the last of the things that tie me to New Jersey or pure laziness.  It's probably something in between.  In the past year, wherever I have been where people ask where I'm from, I always answer "I'm FROM New Jersey. I LIVE in Indiana." I say I'm from New Jersey with a surprisingly fierce sense of pride.  As if being from New Jersey somehow automatically makes up for the fact that I currently live in Indiana.  Unfortunately, the only thing people associate with New Jersey these days is that HORRIBLE Jersey Shore show (you know, the one where most of the characters ARE NOT ACTUALLY FROM NEW JERSEY!!!).  I have to explain, at length, how my origins and the majority of New Jersey are not at all as depicted on that stupid show.  Or on the Sopranos.  Seriously, people form the midwest have some pretty narrow views on the East Coast. (Conversely, the narrow view that East Coasters have of the Midwest is sadly pretty spot on.  There really is nothing but corn out here...).
I wonder if I will ever feel like I belong in Indiana.  I miss New Jersey.  I miss the Parkway and the Turnpike (who knew!) and the shore.  I miss Asbury and NJ Transit.  I miss small towns and big cities.  I miss bridges and tunnels (ok, tunnels petrify me so I don't really miss those.)  I miss hills and trees and sand and ocean.  I miss loud people and toll booths.  I miss z100 and 95.5 and Q103.  I miss Wegman's and Shoprite and pizza that doesn't suck.  I miss the Ironbound and Atlantic Highlands and Jackson Premium Outlets. I miss Shark River Park, the giant metal T-Rex on that lawn in Neptune, and the boardwalk. I miss my friends.
I know New Jersey might be dirty in some places and filled with traffic and smell funny but it's certainly got character and I miss it.  Indiana is nice enough.  It's just so Vanilla.  And there is a ridiculous amount of corn growing here.  And i'm talking like 15 miles outside the city of Indianapolis.  All the neighborhoods look the same.  Probably because they were all built at the same time within the last 15 years.  People think I'm strange.  Okay, okay, people pretty much think that everywhere I've lived so I guess I can't really blame Indiana for that.  But at least in New Jersey there were people who got me. I haven't really made any friends here. I guess it took me a while to make friends in Jersey, though, so maybe I just need to be patient.  And I need to paint the rooms in my house so it will feel like I actually live there and not like I'm borrowing it or house-sitting. It's just so flat here and plain.  And it's not that I'm bored or anything because I always seem busy, I just miss New Jersey. And even if I live in Indy for the next 20 years (oh my god NO.  8 years is my limit!), I will always say I'm FROM New Jersey and that I just LIVE in Indiana.  I've tried to fight it my whole life, but once a Jersey Girl ALWAYS a Jersey Girl!
SIDE NOTE: What is the deal with Jersey Shore?  Like, I can't believe there is actually a person out in the world (not associated with WWE) who actually refers to themselves as The Situation.  First, it's like inviting the world to automatically assume you are an ass without ever having met you.  Second, whenever someone refers to "a or the situation" (as in "we have a situation"), it's never a good thing, so why would you want to associate yourself with such negative connotations? Third, it's just a dumb nickname.  I mean, come on, dude.  If this was my big opportunity to be on TV and be famous, I would have come up with something that didn't, like, define me as a total douchebag.  I've only seen like 4 minutes of the show, but that was 4 minutes too much.  It makes me sad that this is the sort of thing people want to watch on TV.
Jenn - I guess Bruce knew what he was talking about...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Random Blahbbity Blahs...

Quote of the Day: I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure. - ?

The Bane of My Existence....
The Stock Market.  Or as I like to refer to it, The Outer Gates of Hell.  I guess I shouldn't complain.  I finally picked and bought a stock that didn't immediately plummet.  I'm actually green on the ticker and up 2%.  So, that's sort of a win.  I'm pissed about Netflix, though.  Boyfriend had it at $106 a few months ago, it plummeted to $96 on some stupid market panic, so he dropped it.  I told him to pick it back up, like, every day after it hit $96 and started climbing but he did not.  And now it's $164.  He did get two shares just for fun at like $140 but ugh.  It's projected to hit at least $176.  He finally got some options or something more complicated then my tiny mind can comprehend, so he needs it to hit $167 before Nov.  Netflix is an interesting stock.  It makes no sense.  Fundamentally, it's an overvalued stock, yet it just keeps climbing.  On days when the rest of the market is red, NFLX is up.  They are making some good deals and can be streamed into pretty much every home in America via multiple platforms.  Xbox, Playstation, Wii, Apple TV, Computer (hooked to your tv screen.  I do it all the time with an HDMI cable), iPad, iPhone.  And starting Friday, it's streaming all the seasons of some of my favorite shows.  Those NFLX people are smart.  I just wish I had gotten the stock at $96 like I knew I should have.  Curses.
The one I have is Pfizer.  It's growing slowely, but at least it's going up.  My Exxon stock is just meh.  I have a bunch of it that I got from Aunt Laura.  I don't really want to sell it for anything else, though. I mean, it's EXXON, the largest company in the world.  Unfortunately, because of that, it's massively institutionally owned (mutual funds), so with so many people hitting retirement and 401k being sold off, it's taken a hit. It's a case of bad timing.  The company itself is stable and continues to grow year-over-year, but you can't fight retirement.  I'll hold onto it for now.  Until I become some sort of investing mastermind, I'll just let my money ride.

I think I've lost it...
"It" being my mind.  Friday begins doubles. Boyfriend and I are going to start ChaLEAN Extreme on Friday, in addition to our current mini marathon training.  This equates to two workouts per day on most days.  He wanted to do P90X, but I'm not ready to try that again.  We tried to do that last December and I was WAY too out of shape for it and I wanted to vomit most of the time, plus everything hurt and it just sucked. My butt and legs started getting so big (muscles) that I ripped two pairs of pants.  I may have been going about it the wrong way.  He's gotten through it before but I'm not ready.  I think that if we continue our mini training, add ChaLEAN and get through that for the next three months, I will be ready.  Well, sort of.  We have one month before the mini w/ ChaLEAN overlapping that training.  Then two months of ChaLEAN with running 20-25 miles a week to stay in run shape.  Then 4 months of training for our first real marathon in Louisville.  If I make it through all of that without committing hari kari or death by exhaustion, then I will do P90X starting in May, in conjunction with some other training (we want to do a tri next summer sometime).
If I'm not like 10% body fat by this time next year after doing all that crap, I am going to go back to smoking.  Okay, probably not, but if I manage to stick to it all, I better have something to show for it other than no boobs and a bigger ass.  I'm just saying...

From Mancouch:  WTF: The Crow is Being Remade
I concur on the WTF part.  Seriously? A remake of the Crow?  This makes me sad on multiple levels.  First, the original movie was AWESOME.  Great soundtrack, as well.  There is no way you can replace Brandon Lee with someone else.  Second, are the movie studios so lacking in stories that they have to remake this one?  I don't get it.  The Crow sequels were meh, so why bother? Third, ugh.

Jenn -  I think I had something else to talk about but I can't remember what it was...

Monday, September 27, 2010

A few days to myself...

Quote of the Day: If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong. - ?

Whatever will I do...
Boyfriend is out of town on business for a couple of days.  This will be my first time alone in what will not be a big empty house.  In the woods. At night.  With a dog that barks at EVERYTHING that goes bump in the night outside.  So that won't be creepy at all. I'm sure.  I suddenly feel like there aren't enough locks...
I'm not sure what I will do with myself.  I still have to go run 5 miles today.  But then I go home and what? I suppose make myself dinner, but that won't take long cause I will probably just eat ramen and some vegetables since it's just me.  Maybe I'll take a bath, but that's practically like inviting the serial killer into my house to get me.  Okay, I'm probably being a bit overly dramatic.  I'll get to catch up on my shows and take a warm bath and get some chores done.  That will be good.  Sleep might be an issue, but I suppose that is why God invented alcohol...just kidding...sort of.

Gym Class...
I'm concerned about the changes in the way kids play.  I was talking with Boyfriend's kids, E, M, and G, this weekend about what they do in gym class and the games they play.  It would seem that almost all the violence has been taken out of the games.  Dodgeball is played with FOAM balls, instead of the giant rubber ones that made that loud THWAP when they hit you and stung like a mo' fo'.  What is up with that?  And if you get out, you have to do like push-ups or some such nonesense.  It's like the whole world has gone insane.  There is also no pegging in kickball, or wall ball.  When I played "wall ball" as a child, it consisted of throwing a tennis ball against a wall or garage door.  Everyone would try to catch it and if the ball touched you but you didn't grab it, you had to run to tag the wall.  If someone else got the ball and pegged you before you got the the wall, you had to stand at the wall and everyone got a turn pegging you. We called it "Butt's Up".  All I'm saying is that this game taught me to have cat like reflexes and speed because I never wanted to be the person standing there getting pegged.  I also learned to not cry over every little thing.  Cause getting pegged by all manner of balls (hehe, sounds dirty) as a child sort of toughens you up.
Now, there's no pegging, foam balls, most of the games aren't even played.  Teams are picked by adults so that no one is always picked last.  Everyone has to get a turn, blah blah blah.  Are you kidding me?  Has anyone encountered any situation in adulthood that provides any of those things???  NO.  Those things are important!  Some kids should get picked last, not get a turn, etc. because it makes them try harder at other stuff that they are actually good at.  I feel like all that's happening now is that instead of encouraging kids to focus on their strengths, every kid is encouraged to be mediocre at everything.  What is going on?  I don't know.  I'm not saying that kids shouldn't get a fair shot at all sorts of things, but this whole concept of everyone get a turn at everything always just isn't a realistic thing to be teaching them.  How will they survive as adults?  Kids are getting soft.  Cause not only does everyone get a turn, they only get that turn 2 or 3 days a week because they don't have gym every day.  So kids are getting soft both mentally and physically.  It's just nuts.

Jenn - My stomach hurts...

Catching up with GH...

Quote of the Day: I thought I wanted a career; turns out I just wanted pay checks. - ?

1 month in 1 night...
So, I like to catch up on a lot of General Hospital in one night.  I'm not going to lie, I fast-forward through most of it because it's...yawn...boring.  When last we met, Brenda had just returned to the scene.  She looked funny, had a boyfriend that she had no chemistry with, and everyone was talking about her way too much.  Seriously, we lived without her for all this time, and I am glad she's back, I guess, but enough already. So, let's go over what has happened...
1. Dante/Lulu/Brooke Lynn: OMG THANK GOD THAT IS OVER. EW EW EW....Brooke Lynn is so heinous.  I just can't even look at her.  And I like Dante but they need to leave his shirt on.  Or get that tramp stamp removed and clear up the backne.  Seriously, his shirt is off at least once an episode. What's up with the Brooke Lynn/Nick storyline?  I get that they need to do something with Nick while Elizabeth is on real life maternity leave, but Brooke Lynn? Has every writer at GH lost their mind?  Speaking of Nick...
2. Nick/Patrick's Hair: OMG. What is going on with Nick's hair?  It TERRIBLE.  It makes him look old and strange and like he should be wearing a smoking jacket or something.  And Patrick needs a haircut desperado.  It's like 6 inches up in the air.  CUT IT!
3.  Michael:  I'm really starting to like this new Michael.  Though, I find it hard to believe that he's a senior in high school, but that could be because his portrayer is 23.  Him and Kristina are really cute together as brother and sister.  I really like that.
4.  Brenda: Still kind of weirding me out.  She looks too thin or something.  Or bobble-heady.  IDK. Her mouth doesn't move right.  Did she get a lot of Botox?  The only time I've seen her start to really seem to get into the role is when her and Jason started doing scenes together.  Thank God for Jason.
5.  Lucky: He's awesome.  I even like the crazy Irish undercover thing.  Mostly because it brings me back to the old days of GH of Anna and Duke and Mac when he was a bit cooler. And he does do a passable accent.  It's kind of cute.
6. Maxie: I've never seen Kristen Storms with such a tragic haircut.  WHY?!?!  It only looked good in one of 20 episodes.  And they need to find a story line for her.  I miss her.
7.  Carly: What is she going crazy over Brenda for?  Really?  Jax has been falling all over himself to try to get back together with her and she's made it clear she's done with Sonny, but she's still running around all "Brenda better stay away from men".  Whatevs.
8.  Patrick/Robin/Crazy: That is still a great storyline.  Though, I don't agree with the way they are having Robin deal with the situation.  They are making her seem crazy.  Which seems a bit like the wrong approach.  And Lisa is really creeping me out.  I actually feel uncomfortable watching her.  She does patronizing SO FREAKING WELL.
9.  Jason: I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM!!!  He is still a shining light of awesomeness. Watching old footage of Jason still cracks me up.  Thank God he got better as an actor.  And he's the only reason I'm watching any of the Brenda scenes now.  She finally showed some real looking emotion.  Those two freaking crack me up.  They better not have them fall for each other or some other such nonesense because I would have to stop watching the show.
10.  When will people on Soap Operas figure out not to talk about their stupid plans in public places where they can be overheard?  It's like the most annoying plot device EVER.  There has got to be a better way.
11. Diane: Carolyn Hennesy should win a Daytime Emmy.  She is so freaking hysterical.  I love her so much.  She's like the only woman to even cross Sonny's path without doing him and she's always telling him what a dumbass he is.  It's awesome.
12. Sonny: OMG PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY.  I cannot bare to watch a single moment of him.  And the storyline with Claire is excruciating. I have to turn away even when I fast forward.  I hate it that much.

My cat, Morpheus, loves to sit on top of the DVR.  I don't know why.  It's his absolute favorite spot and the only spot of his that the other cats have not dared to attempt taking over.  The problem is he always sits there when I'm watching TV.  And he always has like one small part of his body hanging over it, blocking the signal from the remote.  Like right this second, his paw is just barely hanging over the edge, but just enough to make me get up to move him.  Curses.

Jenn - Enjoy...

Friday, September 24, 2010

The ever evolving world...must stop evolving...

Quote of the Day: The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it's still on the list. - ?

I'm hyperventilating.  I can't breath.  Why? Why would something I love change so much?  Why would this happen?
IMDB (Internet Movie Database, for those of you who live in a cave) has changed it's webpage. is one of my top 5 favorite websites.  I go to it at least once a day.  And now they have changed their page layout to look like the ass confusing one that shows up on the iPad.  WTF.  I'm really kinda pissed.  What was wrong with the old format, IMDB?  I realize it hadn't changed in like 10 years but it was working for you.  Now it's all weird and icky.  Unfortunately, it's the best place on earth to find out everything you ever wanted to know about movies, tv, actors, etc. so I won't stop going to the website.  But every time I visit the site, a little piece of my soul will cry out for what once was...

Going potty...
I'm getting senile.  Have you ever walked into the Women's bathroom right after it's been cleaned so the toilet seats are all up?  And have you ever for just a moment wondered if you had accidentally walked into the Men's room?  Like get that momentary panic and embarrassment before realizing that there are no urinals so you must be in the right place?  Sadly, this happens to me almost daily...

The sad, sad story of Boyfriend's iPhone...
I wasn't there, so I did not witness the horror of the events of last night.  I could only see the aftermath, the pain, the sorrow. The following is a description of events, as told to me by Boyfriend (and perhaps some additional commentary added by me):
Boyfriend was at the batting cages with E, his 11-year-old.  He had just dropped G off at football practice and M off at baseball practice.  He just wanted to get some batting practice in with E, who is, um, not such a great hitter.  He was being a good dad.
Boyfriend reached into his pocket to get some change for the pitching machine.  The change shared a pocket with the iPhone.  As he was pulling the change out of his pocket, the iPhone also got accidentally pulled out.  It was then that time began to move in slow motion as his iPhone came out of his pocket...fell through the warm Indiana air, and CRASHED to the ground.  The only sounds that could be heard was the gasp that escaped from M's 10-year-old lips and the "NOOOOOOOOO" that exploded from Boyfriends mouth. His precious iPhone lie on the ground, unmoving, broken, like Boyfriend's heart.
The iPhone screen was smashed.  Not just a little bit, either.  When I saw it, a few hours later, I asked if he had spiked it in a moment of glee, like a football, that's how smashed it was.  Boyfriend looked so sad.  I could only put my arms around him and reassure him that things would be ok.  His iPhone had had a good life, and it was it's time to depart this world.  Well, not quite.  The phone still works, if you can avoid cutting yourself on the shards of glass.
As I sat there next to Boyfriend at the kitchen table, looking at the destruction that had darkened the day, I thought a few things:
1.  Thank you Motorola for designing the DROID in such a way that it has the slightest of a raised metal lip around the screen to help keep similar damage from happening when I drop my phone.  Which I do about 10 times a day.  The lip keeps the screen from having direct contact with the ground when I drop my phone.  I would have to drop the phone on a pointy rock or the corner of something for there to be direct contact with the screen.
2.  Thank you, Verizon, for allowing me to carry insurance on my phone.  For 7.99/month, I can replace my phone up to 2x year without worry. For any reason.  Dropped in the toilet, no problem.  Threw into wall, gottcha covered.  Fell to the ground in slow motion and smashed the screen, bring it in.  I have gotten so much use out of the insurance over the last 10 years, it's worth every penny.  Because at $96 for the year, I can replace my $500 phone TWICE and I do.
Boyfriend could get a new iPhone because his plan is due for renewal.  Unfortunately, he was waiting until 2011 to see if the rumors that the iPhone was going to be on Verizon were going to come true.  He REALLY doesn't want to renew with AT&T.  That's how much of a pain in his ass they are. I'm not sure what he will do.  I can't bare the sad look on his face, though, whenever he looks at his poor smashed iPhone.  It's heart wrenching.
What do you love the most (other than a person)?

Jenn - I heart my Droid...