Friday, September 24, 2010

The ever evolving world...must stop evolving...

Quote of the Day: The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it's still on the list. - ?

I'm hyperventilating.  I can't breath.  Why? Why would something I love change so much?  Why would this happen?
IMDB (Internet Movie Database, for those of you who live in a cave) has changed it's webpage. is one of my top 5 favorite websites.  I go to it at least once a day.  And now they have changed their page layout to look like the ass confusing one that shows up on the iPad.  WTF.  I'm really kinda pissed.  What was wrong with the old format, IMDB?  I realize it hadn't changed in like 10 years but it was working for you.  Now it's all weird and icky.  Unfortunately, it's the best place on earth to find out everything you ever wanted to know about movies, tv, actors, etc. so I won't stop going to the website.  But every time I visit the site, a little piece of my soul will cry out for what once was...

Going potty...
I'm getting senile.  Have you ever walked into the Women's bathroom right after it's been cleaned so the toilet seats are all up?  And have you ever for just a moment wondered if you had accidentally walked into the Men's room?  Like get that momentary panic and embarrassment before realizing that there are no urinals so you must be in the right place?  Sadly, this happens to me almost daily...

The sad, sad story of Boyfriend's iPhone...
I wasn't there, so I did not witness the horror of the events of last night.  I could only see the aftermath, the pain, the sorrow. The following is a description of events, as told to me by Boyfriend (and perhaps some additional commentary added by me):
Boyfriend was at the batting cages with E, his 11-year-old.  He had just dropped G off at football practice and M off at baseball practice.  He just wanted to get some batting practice in with E, who is, um, not such a great hitter.  He was being a good dad.
Boyfriend reached into his pocket to get some change for the pitching machine.  The change shared a pocket with the iPhone.  As he was pulling the change out of his pocket, the iPhone also got accidentally pulled out.  It was then that time began to move in slow motion as his iPhone came out of his pocket...fell through the warm Indiana air, and CRASHED to the ground.  The only sounds that could be heard was the gasp that escaped from M's 10-year-old lips and the "NOOOOOOOOO" that exploded from Boyfriends mouth. His precious iPhone lie on the ground, unmoving, broken, like Boyfriend's heart.
The iPhone screen was smashed.  Not just a little bit, either.  When I saw it, a few hours later, I asked if he had spiked it in a moment of glee, like a football, that's how smashed it was.  Boyfriend looked so sad.  I could only put my arms around him and reassure him that things would be ok.  His iPhone had had a good life, and it was it's time to depart this world.  Well, not quite.  The phone still works, if you can avoid cutting yourself on the shards of glass.
As I sat there next to Boyfriend at the kitchen table, looking at the destruction that had darkened the day, I thought a few things:
1.  Thank you Motorola for designing the DROID in such a way that it has the slightest of a raised metal lip around the screen to help keep similar damage from happening when I drop my phone.  Which I do about 10 times a day.  The lip keeps the screen from having direct contact with the ground when I drop my phone.  I would have to drop the phone on a pointy rock or the corner of something for there to be direct contact with the screen.
2.  Thank you, Verizon, for allowing me to carry insurance on my phone.  For 7.99/month, I can replace my phone up to 2x year without worry. For any reason.  Dropped in the toilet, no problem.  Threw into wall, gottcha covered.  Fell to the ground in slow motion and smashed the screen, bring it in.  I have gotten so much use out of the insurance over the last 10 years, it's worth every penny.  Because at $96 for the year, I can replace my $500 phone TWICE and I do.
Boyfriend could get a new iPhone because his plan is due for renewal.  Unfortunately, he was waiting until 2011 to see if the rumors that the iPhone was going to be on Verizon were going to come true.  He REALLY doesn't want to renew with AT&T.  That's how much of a pain in his ass they are. I'm not sure what he will do.  I can't bare the sad look on his face, though, whenever he looks at his poor smashed iPhone.  It's heart wrenching.
What do you love the most (other than a person)?

Jenn - I heart my Droid...

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