"Who d'you know who's lost a buttock?" the violet-haired woman asked Mad-Eye interestedly.
"Never you mind, you just keep your wand out of your back pocket!" growled Mad-Eye. "Elementary wand safety, nobody bothers about it anymore...." He stumped off toward the kitchen. "And I saw that," he added irritably, as the woman rolled her eyes at the ceiling. - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Pictures of the Day...
Picture of the Day #57: This is what one would see at a Yes/Styx concert. I didn't think anyone would believe me if I just told you about it.
Picture of the Day #58: Here we are, having the fun.
Picture of the Day #59: Boyfriend is a wild and crazy guy!
Picture of the Day #59: I had to get a desert plant so that I could finally have flowers that can survive this heat!
Picture of the Day #60: Treebeard seems to be doing well in this hot humid land of Indiana.
Picture of the Day #61: Boyfriend is totally rocking out in this picture. It's hard to tell his "totally rocking out face" from his "what the hell are we doing here" face.
Um, so we went to see Yes/Styx last night...
I don't know if I find it more alarming that my Boyfriend is old enough to remember Yes and Styx or that he actually knows all their songs. Just saying...
I guess you could say that the evening was, er, interesting. I knew it would be, so I made sure to take notes. To begin, last week Boyfriend and were IMing during the day when he asked if I would like to go see Yes/Styx. He was offered free tickets. Before I could respond with "who are they", he IM'd me that he had taken the tickets and that we were going. Um, sweet?
We didn't have an evening workout, so it was our night to do whatever we wanted and we chose to go to the concert. I figured I would find entertainment at some level. Well, when we got there, the evening started off a bit awkward. We bumped into a friend of ours who was there with someone we used to be friends with (someone I used to be very good friends with until he totally stabbed me repeatedly in the back and I refuse to be friends with someone I can't trust), so that was slightly uncomfortable. But we moved past that and got inside and found ourselves a spot on the lawn.
We got there just in time for Yes
to start. I had no idea who this band was and upon seeing them wondered exactly how old the members were. The guitar player looked to be about 75 years old. If you look Yes up in wikipedia, the picture is from 1977. That also happens to be the year I was born. So they are pretty old. They are all in their 60s. So, anyway, I didn't know any of the songs until they sang Owner of a Lonely Heart, which I recognized from very early childhood. The guitar player could still jam out, but the lead singer had seen better days, for sure.
My favorite part of the event is that it takes place in the middle of a cornfield. The Verizon Wireless Music Center in Noblesville, IN is literally in the middle of a corn field. I took a picture of it with Boyfriend's phone, but he has yet to figure out how to use the complicated technology that involves uploading pictures to shared albums, so I don't have the picture yet. Perhaps, one day, my Boyfriend, who owns an IT company will actually figure out how to use technology. He hates when I say that. Hahahahahahaha...anyway, It was in the middle of a corn field.
The other highlight was the spotting of the two guys in their cut off jean shorts, home made half shirts, bandannas, and work boots, dancing with each other at the concert. They are pictured about in Picture #57. I just can't make this shit up. It's real!
Styx was not going to be on until 9:30pm, and based on our inside intel, Mr. Roboto was not on the set list, so we left after Yes. There is only so much early 80's nostalgia I can take before enough is enough. I couldn't name any Styx songs either. So, we went home and read and slept because I'm a totally wild person who likes to be in bed by 10pm.
Jenn - Gotta love the 80s...NOT.
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