Friday, August 26, 2011

Dear General Hospital...

Dear General Hospital,

The last few weeks, I've been trying to catch up with episodes dating back to April.  So, I'm wondering, GH, what the heck is going on?  After 75 years or so of Luke being the awesome fun-loving lush we all love, you decide NOW is the time to get all up in his grill and intervene? Really?  Who's dumbass idea was that?  Sure, you got to show Anthony Geary's range of emotions and stuff, but seriously?  He wasn't even drunk the night of Jake's death.  It's all so stupid.  But then, after you decide to commit to this horrible storyline and have the intervention, you totally blow the opportunity to show some awesome old footage.  I mean, really?  You've got the original Lucky.  What's the point if not to be able to bust out some awesome old school footage every chance you get?  Ugh. 

Thank you for getting rid of Brenda.  I know that once upon a time we all LOVED Brenda, but that time has passed and she's just sort of annoying now.

The whole Sonny running around with his gun all willy nilly is also getting old.  Like I just saw the episode where he bursts into Robin's house and "accidentally" grazes her with a bullet meant to shoot Jax.  How is Sonny not in jail?  Seriously?  It's not like he's this criminal mastermind.  He runs around, waving his gun at anyone who annoys him, and now he's just shooting people in front of witnesses?  What the heck?  Though, the best moment ever was Robin and Patrick's kid, Emma, telling daddy that "mommy got shot" when he walks into his house.  I don't know why, but it was funny.  Though, when did that kid get old enough to start talking?

Next, is this whole Jackel PI bullshit.  Well, I'll admit, occasionally it's amusing.  But mostly it's just annoying.  Move on already. 

Lulu and Maxie need more screen time together.  Those two can pull off some great, funny dialogue if anyone would ever give them the chance.

Speaking of Lulu, following her dad to Florida and working at a whore house? REALLY?!?!?  Thankfully, something tragic happened with my DVR and like a week or two of episodes were gone or not recorded so I missed most of that story line.  She was there, then suddenly her and Dante were chillin' at Helena's mansion. I never want to see Lulu working at a whore house again. it's dumb.

Since I already mentioned Helena...please bring her back.  It's been so long since there has been some good old fashioned Cassadine mischief.  At this point, I would accept them resurrecting Stavros somehow if it meant some crazy Cassadine fun. 

I remarked about this on facebook, but I'll say it again.  The farewell scene between Nik and Lucky was AWESOME.  Nik has been annoying the crud out of me but that was one of the best scenes I've seen on that show in a while.  Though, I guess they are bringing Nik back, so it was for naught, but it was still awesome.  I do wish they had busted out some old footage, though, since both the original actors were in the scene.

GH, have you run out of all imagination?  The whole "tragic storm car accident" story every 6 months is getting old.  I yearn for a good hospital fire, hotel hostage situation...anything but another car accident.

Which leads me many friggin head injuries can Jason suffer from in one life time?  I mean, seriously, is there NO ONE ELSE in Port Charles (other than stupid Siohban, who's looking to break Jason's record) that can get hit in the head?  I mean, when was the last time someone had really good amnesia?  Even Micheal woke up from his gun shot wound to the head with his memory more or less intact.  Maybe you could give Carly or Sonny amnesia.  Turn them into sane people who don't run around being stupid all the time.  There's a thought.

I never used to like Sam and Jason together, but this time around I guess I sort of do.  Who knew?  And I totally want a lug nut necklace.  I wonder if that will become a fashion now.

Let's see...what else...oh, are they trying to set Carly up with Shawn?  Cause they have ZERO chemistry and it would just be weird.  Oh, Siobhan needs to go.  They basically keep trying to kill her anyway, all she seems to do is follow Liz around and yell at her, and she's annoying.  I mean, she's borderline psycho about the way she's up in Liz's face constantly.  Also, I wish they had shown more old Liz and Lucky flashbacks during Lucky's 17 thousand hour drug high.  I think I just love flashbacks. 

I don't know why, but the teen drama lover in me would LOVE to see Kristina with Ethan.  I just think it would be fun.  They keep saying how he's soooo much older than her but...hmmm...Abby is like 40 years older than Micheal.  Ethan is like 4 years older than Kristina (at least in real life).  Also, he's all "i've lived this hard life, i'm an old soul". Um, Kristina was kidnapped as a child by Faith, has a mobster father who nearly blew her up last year when she was fake dating Johnny, had a crazy girl hitting boyfriend almost kill her, her brother was shot in the head, hmmm...I don't think she's quite the sheltered little lamb everyone keeps trying to say she is. Anyway, I think they would be good for each other.

I kind of miss crazy Dr. Lisa.  I guess she's in a coma so they can bring her back at anytime.  Oh, and Robin as Chief-of-Staff is a bit on the unrealistic side. She's like 34.  Come on.  Monica still works at the hospital.  What about her? I realize that she has had so much botex that her face doesn't move at all, but that's ok.  We can infer her emotions from the look in her eyes.

Dante...don't care...Olivia...don't care....Johnny...don't care....Anthony...don't care...Steve...don't care....that's about it, I think. Anyway, I still have like the last few weeks to watch, so we'll see what happens!


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