Quote of the Day: "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!" - ?
Just a few things that make my butt itch...
Figuratively. Not Literally. Though, I literally had egg on my face today while talking to a co-worker and that was kind of funny. It took him like 5 minutes before he decided to let me know.
1. Assuming that I am not talking about a streetwalker (a.k.a. woman of ill repute, lady of the night, hooker), why do women wear 3+ inch heels to work? I guess if you are like 4 ft 9 in, it sort of makes sense so that you are not mistaken for someone's child, but other than that, what purpose could there be? Do you really like wearing heels that much? How do your joints not ache? And who exactly are you trying to impress at the office? I can't help but be suspicious. 3+ inch heels are just a bit much, don't you think? Especially at my work, where it's basically an old guy sausage fest, you may get their attention but they aren't hearing a word you are saying. True story. They sometimes forget that I'm a girl and I hear things. I'm not here to judge, though. I suppose to each his own. I just don't get it. Especially the ones who wear the 3 inch heels and then walk all hunched over like they are self-conscious of their height. Huh? You added 3+ inches
on purpose. So stop creeping around like you are headed to the bell tower and stand up straight. Just saying...
2. I've started to really think that I have some form of autism. I realize that I am incapable of normal human interaction or emotion. I have no desire for small talk nor do I really care about anyone's weekend. In reality, I probably wouldn't talk to anyone at all if given they choice. But, alas, to survive in society, I must pretend like I don't just want to get to the point. Unfortunately, this leads me to over compensate and I end up chatting with people far longer than would be considered adequate. And I have this tendency to abruptly end the conversation. I've never really figured out how to appropriately end a conversation. I tend to leave a lot of bewildered looks in my wake. Or offend people. Boyfriend has been getting cranky about it later. If we are talking about something and I've already received the information that I require, I sort of stop listening to what he is saying. Then he's all "were you even listening?" and I'm all "oh, I thought we were done talking about that" and he's all *pout*. We work it out but I'm finding that my patience for any sort of lengthy discussion about anything is getting thinner. That's usually a sign that it's time to up my meds.
Also, I apparently lack certain human traits, like a need to discuss, at length, my problems and emotions unless I feel that there is some sort of solution that I'm not getting to on my own. Boyfriend explained to me that sometimes people just want to say what's on their mind to someone else without the other person offering any kind of solution. I'm pretty sure that the blank look on my face was somewhat amusing to him. I honestly don't understand why people do that. I suppose it makes some people feel better. I find that if I'm faced with some sort of problem or emotion that is causing me distress and I am unable to find a resolution on my own, it only makes me feel
worse to discuss is with someone who
also can't help me. IDK. It's just how I roll. I do like to vent my frustration on the interweb because I can get feedback without having to get into a lengthy discussion. Otherwise, if there is a situation that I can't do anything about, I just move past it.
3. OMG. Freaking tree cutters. We had two trees we needed cut down because one was too close to the house and causing damage to the room and the other one was dead. Boyfriend put blue painter tape on them to remind the tree cutter people which ones to cut. One of our favorite trees had a blue ribbon around it (from birthday balloons, but we haven't taken the blue ribbon down yet because there is poison ivy). So, the tree cutter cut it down. WTF?!?!?! On the work order, it even clearly stated where the trees were on the property and that only two were supposed to be taken down. So, they cut down THREE. UGH! I don't even want to see it. It was a huge beautiful tree at the end of the driveway. Boyfriend is very unhappy. -- Update: He spoke to the tree cutters and they are going to replace the tree. What kind of tree would be pretty and grow well in central Indiana?
4. I'm trying to listen and participate on a conference call and everyone in the cubicles around me are being LOUD. Freaking loud. And people are also gathering by my cubicle to have random conversations. And the person talking on my call has a rather thick Chinese accent and I'm already having a hard time. I may go postal.
Jenn -
I'm not cranky today, I swear...