Monday, October 04, 2010

I wanna be a Rock Star...

Quote of the Day: I discovered I scream the same way whether I'm about to be devoured by a great white shark or if a piece of seaweed touches my foot. -?

And the year was 1980-something....
As I was driving to work this morning, I heard a song on the radio that sunk me into a semi-deep melancholia.  The song was I Love Rock and Roll, sang by Joan Jett and the Blackhawks.  Now, some of you may be thinking that that is an odd song to cause a state of semi-deep melancholia.  The reason for my mood is that, while listening to that song, I realized that by being born in 1977, I had missed the opportunity to become an 80's rock icon.  I Love Rock and Roll was released in 1981 by Joan Jett and the Blackhawks, became a #1 hit and catapulted her into fame as a solo act. That could have been me.  I'm not going to sugar coat it, Joan Jett has a crap voice.  But she has swagger and attitude and punk rock coolness.  Plus, I think she like plays guitar or something.  So, basically, in the 80s, having a good voice was not necessarily a requirement to becoming a chick rock star.  Thus, i missed a HUGE opportunity because my parents did not have the courtesy or forethought to conceive me like a decade earlier.  I have a crap voice, but I can certainly throw around attitude and swagger.  Plus, I already have the "just woke up after a hard night of partying" look down.  Not that I ever have a hard night of partying.  I just always look like I did.  Mostly because I have no control over my hair and I am really bad at applying make-up. Anyway, point is, I could have learned to play guitar and wear ripped jeans and leather jackets.  I could have been an 80's rock icon.
So, I was feeling pretty gloomy about the whole thing.  Then, Motown Philly (circa 1991) by Boyz to Men came on the radio.  I perked up.  It's just catchy.  Following that was J. Geils Band's Centerfold (circa 1981) and Susanne Vega's Luka (circa 1987).  Right before I got to work, Cher's If I Could Turn Back Time (Circa 1989) came on the radio and I realized that Indianapolis radio was trying to tell me something.  I wasn't born too late!!!  Apparently, Indiana is single-handedly attempting to bring back the 80s!!!  (Okay, I realize that Boys 2 Men were early 90s, but I sort of lump the early 90s and 80s together).  All has not been lost!!!  I could become an 80s retro rock icon!!!
All I have to do is learn how to play guitar, write some songs, and get me a leather jacket.  Minor details. I'm ready to be famous and beloved.
I'm not crying...
So, we started Chalean Extreme Friday.  This means that I got up earlier than normal this morning to lift weights while Chalean yelled at me to not be a pansy.  Or wuss. Or whatever other word that means I'm a total baby weakling is.  That Chalean is EVIL.  We may have been cursing at her the whole time and calling her unfriendly names.  Not that we don't like her as a person, but as the lady in the exercise video, she's pure evil. I'm also in terrible shape because all the muscles between my scalp and toenails are feeling a bit delicate at the moment.  Plus, i still have to go run after work.  I'm trying to figure out if it's physically possible to sleep AND run at the same time.  I even got a goodnight sleep last night, which could be due to the herbal sleep aid I took or the placebo effect of me thinking that because I took the herbal supplement I would get a better night's sleep.  My mind is a complicated place to be.  Bottom Line: I'm freaking tired.  I might need to sneak out to my car...

Weekend Reading...
This weekend I got lazy and sat around for most of Saturday.  I read a book so it wasn't a complete waste of my brain cells.  I read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson.  I typically do not jump on the reading band wagon (the last time I did, I ended up regretting it.  The Davinci Code was TERRIBLE.)  I find that most books written for the masses are crap.  I decided to read this one because someone I know had recently mentioned that I remind them of one of the main characters, Lisbeth Salander.  This character is described in Wikipedia as "antisocial but extremely intelligent hacker and researcher, specializing in investigating people. She has a photographic memory, and is believed by Blomkvist to have Asperger syndrome. She has been compared to Pippi Longstocking,and a colleague has stated that Larsson conceived Salander partly as a "grown up Pippi Longstocking"." Of course, this peaked my interest. It's not infrequent that people wonder if I have some form of Autism.
The book itself was enjoyable.  I liked it enough and it was a quick enough read that I'm reading the next book in the series.  I find the Lisbeth character to be quite intriguing.  I'm not sure if I am all that similar to her.  I don't have a photographic memory (I WISH!!!) and I'm not quite so paranoid.  I can get around some levels of company web blocking (which is why i"m able to access this blog site from work) but I'm certainly no hacker.  ADD and Autism can be similar at times and I certainly have some of the social and relationship issues that a person with Asperger's can have.  I'm a good 8 inches taller and 40 lbs bigger than she is, so no one is mistaking me for an anorexic girl.  And I still haven't figured out if the comparison is a compliment or not.  At least she's an interesting character.  Better to be compared to someone interesting than boring. Still...
Have you read the book?


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