Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Well, well, well...

Quote of the Day: Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad. - ?

Stupid Friggin Xanga...
It's down today which is totally annoying since I need my fix of blogs.  Curses.

My life continues to frustrate me...I was again listening to the radio this morning and heard Fleetwood Mac.  Which just cemented my believe that there was once a time when singing ability was not necessarily central to the popularity of a female singer.  Cause Stevie Nicks sounds like a goat.  (Though, I guess Miley Cyrus also sounds goatlike and she has a huge career but she's really young and i don't fit that category either so DARN IT!)

Some Interesting Reading...
I found this via mancouch@mancouch.  This chick wrote this power point presentation for her friends and it has since gone viral.  Check it out HERE.

I found it to be very interesting.  It's so wrong yet so right.

Catching up with old friends...
I got to catch up with someone I haven't had the chance to talk to in a while.  It always reminds me how much I miss him.  I need to be better about contact with people. I may never see them but that doesn't mean that they are not my friend and that I don't miss them.

Not much today...
My whole body aches from the weights and the running and the getting up early.  I need to sleep like 10 hours tonight.  And eat.  Cause I'm starving...

Jenn - Not a whole lot to say today...

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