Quote of the Day: "Chuck Norris died once, but no one was brave enough to tell him." - Chuck Norris Facts
Since last we met...
The following this have happened:
- Christmas with Boyfriend and the Minions: That was fun. They got a tree that was ridiculously huge. They got a good laugh out of it when I saw it. It was redonkulous. But I loved it and we all had a great holiday.
- New Year's: Bring on the prime number new year! There's nothing I like more than a prime number!!!
- We went on a cruise: I'm not sure why we returned. We went on a five day cruise in the warm Caribbean. Boyfriend started to crunch the numbers to determine if we could afford to sell our house and live aboard a cruise ship. Crazy! I wouldn't hate it, though. One of these days I might even get around to posting some pictures on Facebook (If you want to be my friend on Facebook, sent me a message and I'll send you the link).
- I've worked like a machine: OMG!!! Remember the days of goofing off at the office? The days when I would write lengthy blogs about nothing because I had all this spare time? Well those days are DEAD!!! I worked so much in December, I banked two extra weeks of vacation time. And January/Feb has been better but not by much. It's ridiculous. I'm practically crouched under my desk right now, hiding out so that I can bust this blog out. OMG...I think someone just saw me!!!
- I ran a 5k race in 30:54!!! That's my best time. Some of you may be thinking "Jenn, that's barely faster than walking". Well, unless you walk 6mph, it's not! I may not be super fast, but i ran 3.12 miles straight and that's a pretty big deal for me. Lest we all forget, I only quit smoking a little over a year ago. So, I will pat myself on the back, once again, for a job well done.
- I'm developing muscles: Not like huge body builder muscles, but we've been doing this Chalean Extreme workout series for the past two months and it's starting to show me some results. Besides my ass muscles hurting and an inability to lift my arms, I'm seeing some other differences. I've got shoulder muscles, like all different ones, that appear randomly during various activities. And I can sit up straight for more then 10 seconds. And it would appear that I am actually 5 foot 7 inches and not 5 foot 5 inches as my horrific posture used to trick me into thinking. I may even loose that Notre Dame like hunch from my back if I keep this up. Plus, all the lunges and squats have made my legs stronger so now i can run farther and get less tired. Which may or may not be a good thing.
- Jurassic Ice: There was an ice storm a few weeks back that left like a 6inch layer of ice on Indiana. All I'm saying is that it was the closest thing any us will ever come to seeing Hell freeze over. It's been two weeks and the ice finally melted like yesterday.
- Taking the Minions Snowboarding: So, even though God has decided to forsake me but attempting to thwart the one winter activity I wanted to do with sudden 60 degree weather, we are taking the minions snowboarding this weekend. And the hotel we are staying at is a water park. I imagine there will be a lot of photos and video of me falling on my arse this weekend. Or I'll break my leg. Which would get me out of all this darn running. Which I'm not seeing as a negative...
- Fruits and Veggies: Has anyone ever actually tried to eat all the fruits and veggies that you are supposed to eat in a day? It's freaking hard! I know this because I try really hard. I think I've actually blogged about this before, but it's so hard, that I'm repeating myself.
- I don't really have anything to report here, but those of you who know me know I can't stop a list at 9. Plus, I was feeling sort of sorry for myself that I had so little to report.
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