Don't forget: Since I have to live vicariously through the adventures of others, I will be making a donation towards this (for more information visit: Pacific Crest Trail Field Guide Project) as well as following the adventure via the blog Justin and Li An's Blog: Story the Walk. They need to raise enough money by May 12th. I don't usually ask for donations for things via my blog (except donations of love), but I think that this is a pretty cool idea and I would like to see it come to life. So, take a moment and just go check it out. I'll owe you one!
Treebeard keeps on growing...
So, a bunch of months ago, I threw an avocado pit into a pot of dirt and Treebeard was born. I will never be able to plant him outside because the weather in Indiana is not ideal for such a tree, but he's doing rather well in my master bathroom. I have to keep him in there since it's the only place safe from the evil kittens of mass destruction. Treebeard is not quite ready to deal with them. Here is a picture:

Treebeard, about 6 months old
He's got a few new leaves and a couple have fallen off. I can't figure out how to get him to grow branches but he might still be too young for that. He's got a friend growing in his pot with him, Grassbeard. You can't see him in this picture. As you may have guessed, Grassbeard is a blade of grass.
Poison Ivy is a serious B-I-T-C-H....
Apparently, I have decided that the misery of my cubicle is not enough for me, nor is the endless rain that seems to be falling upon Indianapolis. At some point during my gardening the past two weekends, I decided to roll around in some poison ivy just to see how tough I really am. Or what really happened is that I'm a total dumbass that didn't know that poison ivy looks totally different in the spring then it does in the summer months, so I just ran around all willy nilly pulling it out of the yard. Such a horrible misstep results in this:
Right Arm (after a week of healing)

Left Arm

American Idol...
It's Wednesday, which means that I will force myself to watch yet another mediocre episode of Idol. It's Carol King week. I don't even know who that is. So I Google it and it's some old chick. One of the first things I saw was "associated with James Taylor". Not to offend all the James Taylor and Adult Contemporary fans but, oh goodie, another week of BORING. Seriously, is Idol just running out of ideas?? The only song on the list of songs I could find that may not suck is Locomotion. As in, everybody's doing a brand new dance now. I'm trying to picture Blinky Guy (James, yes, I learned his name) jumping around and setting things on fire to that song. I'm not really seeing it. I should just start writing my scathing review of the entire thing right now. Blah blah, boring, blah blah, Jennifer Lopez's wild mane, blah blah, Steven Tyler saying inappropriate yet hilarious things, blah blah, I hate this show. Maybe I'll be wrong. Maybe they will totally rock out these songs and tomorrow I'll be forced to issue a public apology to Idol for ripping into it today. I guess we shall see.
Any Ideas....
I'm currently taking suggestions for new careers. All I've come up with are Live a Life of Leisure (which i can't afford), Supermodel (which I'm too old for), and Superhero (though I doubt Super Sarcasm and Super Obsessive Compulsiveness really count as Super Powers).
Happy Moment of the Day: Getting the last bag of Cheetos from the vending machine. Especially because the item behind that last bag was stupid Sun Chips. Bleh.
Jenn - Just because I like to arrange my M&Ms by color, then eat one color at a time until I have an equal amount of each color, then eat one at a time from each color til I'm done, doesn't make me crazy!!!
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