Quote of the Day:
"Asok, I need you to create a Powerpoint presentation that will save our department from being eliminated. You must quantify the unquantifiable and that can only done by a process that I call lying." - Pointy Haired Boss
"Lying is a process?" - Asok
"It can be, if you use enough slides." - Pointy Haired Boss
"Lying is a process?" - Asok
"It can be, if you use enough slides." - Pointy Haired Boss
- Dilbert
Every day, I think to myself, "Self (or Awesome Self), I should really blog more often so I have a chronicle of these important days of my life to look back on when I've plunged into senility." Then, I get distracted by something shiny, and the blogging gets pushed back another day. I'm also realizing that it's very difficult to become a blogging sensation, known across the globe, if there is not actual blogging going on. I'm not soooo full of myself as to believe that I, as an individual, will somehow magically become a sensation, known across the globe, simply for hanging out in my cubicle at work. That would be ridiculous. Totally friggin awesome, but ridiculous. So, today, I blog.
First things First...
It's Thursday. That means that the only thing there is worth discussing first is...American Idol. About a month ago, I posted my letter to American Idol wherein I informed American Idol that I was unhappy in our relationship and was looking for things to change. So far...meh. I guess they have totally given up on the idea of mentors. Will.I.Am showed up for a couple of episodes, but I think he just happened to be in the studio. It didn't seem like it was planned at all. It's just sort of annoying that it's the same dude week after week. Also, the contestants are really not getting any less boring. Some of them try, at least, to not make me sleepy, but they really just have so little pizazz. Perhaps Adam Lambert has ruined Idol for me. Perhaps the absense of Simon just makes the gaping hole in my soul larger and larger each week. I don't know.
I will, however, give credit where credit is due and state for the record that last night's episode was FUNNY. Most of the contestants sang off key, but they did try to kick it up a bit in the area of theatrics. I just still don't understand what they are thinking when it comes to song choice. Do they even listen to music? They had their choice of songs from the last 11 years of music and those are the best they could come up with? Meh. Like that 16 year old girl who looks 40 (Country Singer Girl) has a pretty awesome voice but she keeps picking shit songs to sing. And Country Singer Kid has that awesome deep voice and does country well, but it's the same EVERY WEEK. I'm bored now.
The Great Smokey (Bearless) Mountains...
For spring break this year, we took the minions to Great Smokey Mountains National Park for a week of camping, hiking, (and even an attempt at fishing with Grandpa Rowe). We did some good hiking. I got to scramble up to the top of Chimney Top which was neat. I also learned that I can go at least 4 days without a shower and pee in the woods. Overall it was a lovely trip and I may even get around to posting some pictures on Facebook one of these days.
Except, I did not see a single bear. WTF?!?! I chose that place specifically for the bears! Everyone and their mother was all "oh, yeah, we just saw a bear, you haven't?" Not that I'm bitter. Actually, we barely saw any signs of wildlife. Considering the park is overrun with wild hogs, I thought I'd at least get to see one of those. But, nooooo, I got to see a few centipedes, a squirrel, like 5 birds, and 3 snails chilling out on a pile of pooh. Arg.
Camping did get me excited for the weather getting nice enough to get back to one of my very favorite activities...Hiking.
Hiking in Indiana...Why Not?
Don't try to look inside the book.
This weekend: #32 Turkey Run State Park
The Trek of Indiana Begins!!!
Jenn - I should probably get some work done.
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