Friday, April 29, 2011

I hear there was some sort of big wedding in Europe....

Quote of the Day: "This project is so important, we can't let things that are more important interfere with it." - Real Life Dilbert Quotes

Don't forget: Since I have to live vicariously through the adventures of others, I will be making a donation towards a project that interests me (for more information visit: Pacific Crest Trail Field Guide Project) as well as following the adventure via the blog Justin and Li An's Blog: Story the WalkThey need to raise enough money by May 12th.  I don't usually ask for donations for things via my blog (except donations of love), but I think that this is a pretty cool idea and I would like to see it come to life.  So, take a moment and just go check it out.  I'll owe you one!  Oh, and with my birthday right around the corner, if you were thinking "hmmm...what should I get Jenn for her birthday? She's so awesome!", donating to that book is the perfect gift!! :) 

This is what Grassbeard looks like.

He sort of needs a haircut.  I don't want him to droop over when he gets to tall. I'm not really sure where he came from. He just appeared one day in Treebeard's pot.

American Idol...

No big surprises.  Just Casey getting kicked off then running around all wierd and kissing everyone he could get his hands on in the audience.  Then, at the end of his song, he stared at Haley and all creepy like sang "you're mine" which was part of the song but also seemed to be a statement. She looked a little uncomfortable about the whole thing.  I don't like discomfort.  Steven Tyler looked like he stole his outfit from a 1970's lounge singer, as well as looking incredibly bored.  hahahahahahahahaha...

So, I keep hearing all this talk about a wedding...

So, I guess there was some big royal wedding today.  Only it was in England, so it was really in the middle of the night.  The middle of the night US time, not England time.  That would be weird if they had the wedding in the middle of the night England time.  Unless the people getting married were like really heinous, then it would make sense to have a wedding under the cover of dark dark night.  Prince William isn't that great looking, but that Kate chick is sort of good looking so she must have insisted on a daytime wedding.  I guess if you get to marry a prince (of what, I'm not sure. Cause now he's also a duke.  it's all very confusing.  I can never keep track of this stuff in the fantasy books I read, either.  If you care, here's a link to all this: Crazy England Royal Family Stuff), you aren't too picky about how good looking he is.  According to legend, they met at college and dated for a while. Then they broke up for a few months and I guess Kate was all "Um, I'm pretty sure I have to rethink my standards cause I'm not doing better then the 2nd in line to the throne of England.".  So, they got back together and now they are married.  From what I can tell, she was like a commoner before the wedding, so I guess the royals are allowed to go slumming now and not just marry their cousins. No one has any respect for tradition anymore.

So, everyone is on about the Queen's dress.  She's like 150 years old, so I'm not quite sure what folks where expecting.  It seemed very spring-like and old person styled.  Exactly as I would expect.  I was not a fan of the wedding dress, but I also don't like lace, so I might be biased.  I did really like the dress her sister was wearing as Maid of Honor.  It was pretty awesome.  And I don't think anyone looks good in that Prince outfit they have to wear.

Anyway, I'm already bored with the whole Royal Wedding thing.  There has got to be something more interesting going on in the I just Googled "something more interesting going on in the world" and it would seem that there is, in fact, NOTHING more interesting going on in the world.  Google would know if there was and there isn't.  So, carry on, obsessed royal wedding folks.  You aren't missing a thing about anything else.

Poison Ivy Update...

As I'm sure you are all at the edge of your seats, wondering (possibly out loud to yourselves) "what is going on with Jenn's poison ivy?".  Well, I'm here to report that it has moved on to a sort of uncomfortable crusty, dry yet blistery, rash.  Which I think is considered to be a sort of "on it's way to healing" status.  I have more yard work to do this weekend, only now I'm armed with the knowledge:

1. I know what poison ivy looks like in all it's 70 forms and disguises. That include the rare, yet always funny Poison Ivy Wearing Glasses with a Fake Nose and Mustache variety.

Poison Ivyious Discuiseous   

2. I will be wearing a hazmat suit during all gardening.

Um, that's all the knowledge I really have.  I'm not so knowledgable, I guess...


Well, May is almost upon me.  It's my lease favorite month.  I'm sure I've gone over it before: My birthday, mother's day, anniversary of dad's death, mom's's just a very emotionally arduous month.  Oh, and i have a 20k race that i'm pathetically not ready for.  But alas, it is what it is. I am going to try to kick it off in a fun way but taking a picture every day.  I've seen a few folks doing that and I think you are supposed to start at the new year, but I'm going to to start on Monday, my 34th birthday.  Good God!  34.  I was 27 when I started this thing.  I guess 7 years is not that long except my 7 year relationship with Xanga is the longest one of my life practically. Crazy!  So, a picture a day. Starting Monday. 

Jenn - Everything you see in this blog is a fact....or is it???

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