Friday, May 27, 2011

Impossible just means it hasn't been figured out yet...

Quote of the day: "The best way to avoid criticism is to establish a reputation for being irrational and belligerent at the slightest excuse." - Dilbert

I'm sick of hearing "that's impossible"...

How is it that there is anyone that still thinks that there are impossibilities in the world? Like when I say "it's not unreasonable to think that the laws of physics will one be proven to be incorrect", people get all "It's a law! It's been proven! It's impossible that anything will change that.".  Um, right, because as humans we obviously have figured out all there is to know about everything and there is no way that anything new will ever come to light or that we could be wrong. (And responding with "Your face is impossible!" doesn't get people to take you seriously, FYI). Good thing you weren't around when sailors decided to chance sailing off the edge of the earth when they thought it was flat or else we'd all still be thinking in 2 dimensions...

The thing is that, in my mind, anything is possible, even if it does not seem to be so at the time of the discussion.  Not having the knowledge about something doesn't mean it can't ever be done.  The thing that spurred this was a discussion about aliens.  I believe that there are other being out in the universe and that it's not unreasonable to believe that they could have the ability to do things and travel much further than we earth folk currently can. I'm not saying that all the stories of alien abduction and such are entirely believable, but I also don't think it's entirely impossible. Of course, I got the "it's impossible to travel those distances". Since earth folk haven't figured it out, that must mean that no other beings in all the uncharted universe could possibly have figured that out. I apologize to the entire human race and mean no disrespect, but I don't actually believe that we know everything there is to know about everything ever. I'm basing that on the fact that as soon as I get the newest, most high tech cell phone in a couple of months (Motorola Bionic!!!), five minutes later it will become outdated technology.  So unless there is some evil cell phone conspiracy, one in which all cell phone technology that will ever exist has already been discovered and they are just doling it out in small bits to keep me buying new phones, I'm thinking that people are constantly learning new things. But I digress...

Ok, so, Aliens. One argument that I got to that was, if they are able to travel around the universe, how come they haven't tried to colonize the Earth?  My first reaction to that is, why is it everyone's first thought that everything needs to be taken over?  Seriously, maybe that's why we haven't figured it out yet.  We aren't evolved enough.  Until we stop thinking like territorial animals, maybe we just can't access the other parts of our brain.  Perhaps the aliens that have figured out interstellar travel have also figured out that running around taking over everyone's worlds is a sucky thing to do and so they don't do it.  I mean, if you are smart enough to figure out how to travel the galaxy, there's a good chance you are all smart enough not to bother taking over a planet that is already being overused.  Why not just find another one that's fresh? Duh.  My second reaction is how do we know that colonization hasn't already occurred?  Of course, that's when people roll their eyes.  I'm not saying that it has or hasn't happened.  I'm saying that it's possible.  Assimilation not domination could be the alien slogan.  I'm not saying I believe either way.  My mind doesn't really work that way.  Nothing can be proven 100%.  NOTHING.  It can be mostly proven.  I can lean towards believing one side of an argument is more possibly true that the other side.  But I never believe 100% in anything as true.  Except what I see with my own eyes.  And even that is subject to my own perception of reality.  What I see with my very own eyes could be perceived completely differently than how another person sees the same exact thing with their own eyes.  Anyway, my point is not really about aliens.  My point is that to think that there is anything that is impossible and will always be impossible seems silly to me. 

What I really care about is...

Note: I don't mean to sound like a commercial below, but since I'm now domesticated, these are the things I think about.  And I have a HUGE appreciation for the items below.

As you may or may not know, my house is filled with the following:

4 cats (Morpheus, Trixie, Lucy, Neo)
1 70lb black lab (Dakota)
1 Adult Male (Boyfriend)
3 Tweenage boys (G, E, M)

As you can perhaps imagine, the floors are in a constant state of "ew, what is that?!"  So, though I never thought I would say something like this,  my carpet cleaning devices are my favorite household items on earth. EVER. I love them so much, I occasionally consider leaving Boyfriend to run off with them to a tropical island.

This is my vacuum cleaner.  His name is Larry.  Larry is one of my very best friends.  When my cream color carpet starts to look black from all the friggin Dakota hair (I swear that dog explodes her entire coat of fur on a weekly basis), Larry sucks it all right up.  Larry is the best vacuum cleaner that I have ever owned.  EVER.  I have to be careful with Larry though, because he's so powerful that I almost accidentally sucked one of the kids into his belly.  That would have been not good.  It's amazing how much crud gets onto the floors and carpets within a few days.  With so many pets, we have to vacuum, at minimum, once a week. That's if we are being lazy.  2-3 times a week would be better.  Larry is my hero. 

This is Larry's BFF, Henry.  Occasionally, I cheat on Larry with Henry.  I mostly bought Henry because he's "all terrain" which cracked me up.  Like I'm cleaning the hills and streams of my home. Apparently, "all terrain" just means "can be used on carpets, hardwood, tile, etc." I'm ok with that.  Henry is a little heavy for me to be pushing around in the wilderness.  I hate mopping the floors, but I love to Henry them.  Sometimes, I use the attachment to clean the walls.  That might sound odd, but any of you who have children in the house have probably had the experience where you are walking around the house and will randomly see something unidentifiable splattered on the wall. And in weird places on the wall that you think "how the heck did they get chocolate sauce all the way over/up there?!".  Anyway, Henry is awesome.  Like when the Great Chocolate Milk Disaster of 2011 happens (where you go to take the brand new gallon of chocolate milk out of the fridge and then drop it onto the kitchen floor where it EXPLODES, at which point every child and animal in the house decides to run directly through the lake of chocolate milk.),  I just take Henry and suck it right up.  And then three weeks later when I'm discovering chocolate milk paw prints and chocolate milk splatters on the wall in unusual places throughout the house, Henry helped me out.  The latest thing was cat pee. One of the friggin' cats was feeling like an a-hole and decided that everyday was a fine day to pee on the carpet in the hall in front of the front door.  And washing the whole rug every day was becoming tedious and didn't seem to be getting the pee smell out.  I put some of that special cat urine cleaning stuff into Henry and cleaned the carpet.  That finally got the smell out.
Nature's Miracle Just for Cats Urine Destroyer 32oz
It IS a miracle!!!

On a side note: I was also having the problem that one of the cats was always pooping next to the litter box instead of inside it.  I tried different litters, cleaning them daily, adding more boxes...nothing was working.  It's been driving me crazy for months.  Finally, I'm at the pet store, just staring blankly at things, and notice this litter attractant stuff:

Dr. Elsey's Precious Cat Ultra Litter Attractant 20-oz
I heart you!

OMG IT'S SO FREAKING AWESOME!!  So far...It's only been 4 pooh and pee free days.  I won't get crazy thinking that there has been a miracle but I will gladly continue to buy that stuff if  it means that all four cats will go potty where they are freaking supposed to.

I guess my point is that I never thought that there would be room in my heart of things like carpet cleaners and vacuums.  And now I'm in love with the ones that I own.  I'm not sure how many more of these drastic life changes I can take!

Jenn - I should have my own infomercial...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Honey Badger is the most fearsome creature in the animal kingdom...

Quote of the Day: "Consultants have credibility because they are not dumb enough to work at your company." - Dilbert

So totally over American Idol...

I finally got around to watching the top three performances from last week, even though I knew Haley had been booted.  I wanted to see what reason America had for kicking her off.  Other than a certain arrogance, she's a darn good singer.

It would appear that singing ability and the ability to entertain me are not actually criteria for people to vote to keep someone.  I think her personality got in the way.  It can't be her singing.  The girl sang Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, and Alanis Morrisette. And she sang them AWESOME.  Plus, she fell on her arse (something I don't think I've ever seen actually happen on Idol) and didn't miss a beat.  Meanwhile, though they both can certainly sing well, Scotty and Lauren sang...oh, right, 3 country songs each.  Shocking.  And Lauren got distracted by a cute boy and forgot to sing a note.  But, I guess country music rules the world now or something, because those two are in the final.  I'm not going to lie, I probably won't even watch.  I think it's time to admit to myself that Idol is dead to me.  I just don't care.  I haven't bought a single song from this season.  I have all of David Cook's performances.  I have all of Adam Lambert's performances. I even have most of Lee's performances.  I have 0 from this season.  ZERO.  That tells me that I really just don't care.  I'm holding onto a dead relationship with Idol and it's time to let go.  I have to move on to something different.  Something I can feel the way I felt about Idol a few years back when I started watching it. I'm hoping that something is X Factor.  I'm hoping that it's just Simon that's missing from my life.  And Paula.  I don't care what anyone says, Paula is pure genius.  She may not intend to be.  She may be barely lucid at most times.  But she's too much unintentional comedy to sit on the sidelines.  I'm glad her and Simon are secretly in love and that he has brought her back into the world of judging.  I will, however, really miss Ryan Seacrest.  That man is not only a machine, but also my hero.  I actually think he's a robot.  I can't prove it.  He's too good to let that happen.  But, mark my words, one day it will come to light that he is a robot and I want everyone reading this to remember that I said it.  Ryan Seacrest is a robot. Tell your friends.
Let's Flashback to 2007-2008...

Since my life revolves around TV, so does my calender.  I do not count time passing as Jan - Jan.  i count it as September to September.  But I digress...

In the year 2007-2008, those of us who's existences revolve around fictional characters (right, pathetic, blah blah, I get it), were forced to find other forms of entertainment due to the writers' strike.  I mean, there was no LOST to watch!!! Does anyone remember how awful that was?  It was, take my word for it.  So, I had to find other entertainments.  Looking back on the blogs from that time, I am cracking up.  From that era come such fine blogs as:

There was a point to this other then the walk down memory lane...what was it? Oh, right, writers' strike, no tv, had to find other things to do.  But that is not what brought up 2007-2008 in my mind originally.  What actually got me thinking about it was Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.  It's been the complete obsession of my household.  One of the kids has actually memorized all the words to all the songs.  Boyfriend keeps watching it.  And like any good ADD addled brain, my mind jumped like this...

1. Hmmm...everyone really likes that Dr. Horrible show.
2. I wonder when that came out? (Looks it up on the interwebs)
3. Oh, 2008, hmmm, wasn't that when the writer's strike was? (Looks it up on the interwebs)
4. It was! I really hated that. I totally missed LOST when it was off air for a few months.
5. Hmmmm...LOST...I really missed all TV. I wonder what I was doing.
6. I'll go look at old blogs.
7. Hahahahahaha...I am funny AND angsty.  OMG. I write the same stuff every year. I'm redundent.
8. I should blog about that.
9. Somehow end up starting blog with American Idol, then remembering I want to blog about Dr. Horrible, then blogging about old blogs, then finally getting to Dr. Horrible. 
10. End of thoughts.

All my best ideas are in the shower...

It used to be that all my best ideas where in the 3 hours a day I spent in the car.    I also did my best thinking in the car.  In the car, I was this totally deep, introspective person with great understanding of myself and the world around me. In the car, I was practically self-actualized and had no where left on the pyramid of needs to go.  Of course, the moment I stepped out of the car, I was back to being randomly funny, often angsty, always confused Jenn.  In my car was all the power and understanding in the universe. Outside my car, nothing.  I mean, it was only a Ford Focus 3 door hatchback, so I'm not sure how all that universe stuff fit inside, but it did.  I miss that car...again, I digress.  Now that I don't drive 3 hours a day, I find that all my good thinking is done in the shower.  I was thinking the stuffing out of life and the world in the shower this morning.  I had something super awesome and deep to blog about and I was going to sound smart and better then just normal Jenn.  Of course, the moment I stepped out of the shower, I totally forgot.  It could have been when I was blow drying my hair.  Or straightening it (34 years and I've finally almost got the hang of a straightening iron! I'm so close!!!)  I don't know. I can't remember when the thoughts fell out of my head.  Which just reminded me of how badly I need to start recording notes to myself because I can't remember anything I ever want to say.  Curses.  Stupid brain foiled me again!!!

Until next time...

Jenn - I am totally superficial but not superficial at all....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Twitter sucks and Work is out to thwart me...

Quote of the Day: I've been up since 4:30am with a hacking cough and work to get done.  I have no quote today.

Just a bit of whining...
My twitter posts are supposed to show up in Facebook but apparently picture posts do not. Or Twitter just sucks.  IDK.  Here are the pictures of the day for like the last four days.  And I think I'm still a day behind...

Picture of the Day #11:
Boyfriend just got back from Chicago.  We are about to eat the dinner.

Picture of the Day #12:
Tree I pulled out of my garden.  We are going to try and plant it somewhere else.

Picture of the Day #13:
Happy 12th Birthday, Ethan.  Those took FOR-EVER.
Picture of the Day #14:
Trixie got caught molesting Neo.
Neo, Kitten Gigolo...
Neo before he became a man whore.

Neo used to be so innocent.  He used to just lay everywhere and purr.  When he started making friends with the dog, we were like "aw, that's cute".  He never fought with crankypants, Morpheus.  And Trixie just sort of licked him every so often. 

All that has changed.  He stalks Dakota everywhere she goes.  That cat can't be away from that dog for more than a few minutes without rubbing up all over her the second she's within eye shot.  It's not like Dakota is small and could be mistaken for a cat.  This is a 70lb Lab with a 7lb cat lover.  I catch Neo sleeping with Dakota.  I'd take a picture but the Dakota photo sense causes her to bolt whenever the possibility of a picture comes around.  Dakota has NO sense of personal space yet seems to be trying to get away from Neo sometimes.  I think he'd ride around on her back if he could figure it out.  I also catch Trixie licking Neo head to toe and he actually lays on his back and just lets her. It almost looks kind of dirty.  I have to give them their privacy.  The other day I caught him snuggling, SNUGGLING, with Morpheus.  MORPHEUS??!!!  Morpheus doesn't snuggle! He rips you to shreds with only a glare! He's like the Chuck Norris of cats.  Only Chuck Norris knows not to mess with Morpheus.  The straw on top is the kitten sexfest that went on here last week.  I'm still trying to drink away the memories of that horrible day. I don't know what happened to my innocent little kitten.  

Speaking of Morpheus....

We finally put a collar on that one since his one mission in life has been to escape out the front door.  Every time he gets out, he runs further down the driveway and, at some point, we won't be able to catch him. So we put a name tag on him.  He's 5 and has never wore one.  He took it rather well.  Meaning he didn't scratch my eyeballs out when I put it on him.  Actually, I thought for sure he would go nuts, trying to get it off.  Boyfriend thought it would be funny to get one with a bell on it, since I guess he loves being kept up all night by annoying ringing sounds.  Morph can't quite figure that part out.  He's so fluffy that the bell get muffled most of the time when he's walking around.  But if it does ring, he starts zooming around, trying to find it.  He hasn't figured out that it's him making the noise. Hahahahahahaha...cracks me up.

Jenn - Hoping my lung doesn't actually come out of my chest with all this hacking...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere...

Quote of the Day: "I don't have an attitude problem.  You have a perception problem." - Dilbert

Picture of the Day #9:  The Garden has veggies in it!  Maybe a little too close together...

Picture of the Day #8:  The Medal!!!

Picture of the Day #10:  It's been one of those days...

So I guess I'll talk Idol...

I don't even know what the theme was.  It was like inspirational songs and then Lady Gaga showed up out of nowhere without any pants on and i was all sorts of confused.  James sung that song from Glee, Scotty and that Country Girl are bigger puritans than I realized and music, and Haley is actually the only one that I want to win.  Even if the judges like to yell at her for no reason while they drool all over the sucky ones.  Except Steven Tyler, who decided to reclaim his balls at some point and stand up for Haley.  But that was probably cause he wants in her pants (not that he could fit in there since they were painted on).  Remember when Idol was an hour and all four people managed to sing 2 songs in that hour?  And now every freaking episode is like an hour and a half.  And they dress 16-year-olds like Angela on Who's the Boss?  James is also becoming sooooo gimmicky.  And now I'm bored....

May 12, 1989...

I don't know why I'm thinking about it so much this year.  It's been 22 years.  That's a lot of years.  Like 2/3rds of my life without my dad.  How long is a person supposed to morn the loss of a loved one?  I mean, it's not like I'm sad every day about it.  But sometimes I think about it and it just sort of makes me sad.  I don't know.  I haven't spoken to my mother in like 8 months or something.  Not for Thanksgiving, Christmas or Mother's Day.  Maybe because I feel guilty about that, it gets me thinking about other stuff that I wish could be different.  I know it's selfish of me to cut her off.  She's just done too much, been too crazy.  I have a sort of peaceful, drama free life going on right now and I just want to keep it that way for a while.  There is no such thing as peaceful or drama free when it comes to my mother.  But I digress.  The point is that I still miss my dad, after all these years.  And some times it bums me out.  And I hope that's an ok way to feel about things and that I'm not just holding onto something I should have let go of a long time ago.  I've grown out of the thinking that he's in secret witness protection and that the cancer was just a cover up and that he would show up one day.  That was the childish thought of a child and I know what's real and what's made up.  But I do miss him and can't help but wish sometimes that I had known him when I was grown.  And I wonder what he would think of me and of who I am.  I have to assume these are normal feelings that I have about the matter, since I'm not really sure what normal means anyway and I have a raging desire to be normal.  At least sometimes.  I don't know.  I just miss him. 

Since I'm going down memory lane anyway, I figured I'd look up May 12 in my Xanga blog for the 7 years I've had the blog.  The following is a list of blogs that were written on or near the date in this strange chronicle of my life:

It's always fun and strange to go back in time in my blog.  I read things from years ago and there are so many ways that things change and then go back and change again.  And some things stay exactly the same or change profoundly.  And that whole blog is like a 7 year chronicle of my ADD mind, jumping all over the place, watching my moods swing back and forth, reading my brain jump around from topic to topic.  For some reason having a blog makes me feel better then just writing in a journal. I guess it's my need for attention or just a need to know that I'm not the only nut hanging from the tree.  Anyway, I'm waxing sentimental it would seem, so it's probably about that time to sleep.

Jenn - I love you, dad.

Monday, May 09, 2011

500 Festival Mini Marathon and OMG why is it so freaking difficult to get pictures into a blog...

Quote of the Day: "Am I getting smart with you? How would you know?" - Dilbert

Picture of the Day #6:

These are the smiles of people who have yet to begin the race.

Picture of the Day #7:

Brian running on the Raceway
The Mini...

Well, I survived.  I was actually feeling pretty good up until Mile 12, which is about when all the muscles in my lower back and legs felt like they were seizing.  I was like "Leave me, save yourself" to my Boyfriend, but he assumed I was being overly dramatic (per usual) and forced me to finish.  So, now I have the bling of a shiney new medal.  I'll post a picture of that tomorrow.  Until then, here are some other pictures from the race.
That's me.  Jogging.  It's like mile 6 and we are on the same raceway that the Indianapolis 500 is driven on.  I am going much slower than any of those race cars would ever go. 

A couple of people came out to race...

My legs are so sore.  I'm wondering how I'm going to manage softball tonight.  The thought of crouching to field a ground ball kind of make me want to curl up into the fetal position and suck my thumb.

I just want to post some pictures...

For whatever reason, I have the most difficult time posting pictures. Ugh.  It's all overly complicated because I also post on Xanga and I copy and paste and do all sorts of nonesense, but I think I finally have it figured out so that the pictures won't get erased.  Jeez.

He's not just the God of Thunder, he's also a comic book superhero.  And he's played by Chris Hemsworth, who may be the hottest thing since the sun.  OMG.  I couldn't tell you if this movie sucked because I was too busy figuring out how to break up with my boyfriend, find Chris, convince him that I'm really the one for him and that he should divorce his wife, and then get him to run off to a deserted island so no one can steal him from me.  Holy crud, that man is perfect.  I'm pretty sure I don't care about his personality at all.  But I digress...

After I got over falling madly in love with Hemsworth, I payed attention to the movie.  I liked it.  We saw it in IMAX 3D which may have been a little aggressive during action sequences for my eyeballs to process.  Otherwise, I liked it enough that I will be going to see it again next weekend when we bring the minions to see it.  I'm not sure what made it PG-13 except maybe some of the violence and maybe the storyline.  

I also loved Natalie Portman being in this movie.  She had WAY more chemistry (ok, who wouldn't...he's friggin beautiful) with Chris Hemsworth than she did with Hayden Christensen in Star Wars. My favorite in the movie, though, was Kat Dennings as Darcy.  She was hysteridonkulous.  And I was surprised to see Rene Russo as Thor's mom.  Well, surprised in the sense that I didn't know she was going to be in the movie. 

The movie ended sort of weird for me, but I guess that must get resolved at some point being that Thor is an Avenger and all.  I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE AVENGERS!!!  Also, there was a cameo by Hawkeye.  If you pay attention, you'll see him in a pretty big scene.  I thought the movie was just as enjoyable as any of the Iron Man movies and I look forward to seeing Thor again and to seeing the character in The Avengers.  


Jacob got kicked off.  I was happy. End of caring...

Jenn - This mortal form grows weak. I require sustenance!

Friday, May 06, 2011

Quote of the Day: I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either - Dilbert
Picture of the Day #4:
Picture #4: This is the first garden box that Boyfriend built... on Twitpic
This is the super awesome garden box that Boyfriend build for me.  Soon, I will fill it with the dirt and the veggies to grow.  If it ever stops raining. 
Picture of the Day #5:
Picture #5: Adelightful frozen custardy treat of deliciousness. on Twitpic

This is the super awesome frozen custard I had at lunch today.  And now I'm falling into a deep and restful custard coma.  

The Sun...
This morning when I woke up it was raining.  I guess that's the norm now.  But a funny thing happened.  The sun, it just came out of nowhere like a ninja.  Only a lot more obvious than a ninja since ninjas are stealthy and the sun is not so much with the stealthiness, being so bright and shiny and all.  So now it's like this beautiful day outside and I'm trapped in a cubicle far far away from any windows. I need to go for a walk.

Though I am woefully under trained for the 20k that I am to embark upon tomorrow morning, I am excited to do it.  I have to drive downtown to pick up my race packet, which does not excite me. 
Okay, so I'm not feeling very communicative at the moment, so I will be on my way.

Jenn - I'll do better next time...

Thursday, May 05, 2011

I'm Trying Not to Die of Boredom...

Quote of the Day: "No one will believe you solved this problem in one day! We've been working on it for months. Now, go act busy for a few weeks and I'll let you know when it's time to tell them." - Real Life Dilbert Quotes

Picture of the Day #3:

That is the fire pit that Boyfriend built in the backyard.  This is the view from the Deck.  Those logs are from one of the trees that had to be cut down.  We are going to lacquer them so that they don't rot and they are the perfect height for seats.  We may end up doing something more fancy with that area at some point in the future but for now, we thinks it's neat.

And THIS is American Idol....

Please Note:  I actually wrote this part of the blog while watching Idol so it will be a little different then usual.

I see they've dusted off Sheryl Crow as this week's assistant "mentor".  And I thought that it was only in Indiana that the 1990s were making a come back.

So here we go, James is up first. OMG, James is actually going to sing a 30 Seconds to Mars song!  Not the one I picked, but still I was close. He's doing Closer to the Edge.  Unfortunately, I really like the song and I think that he was really pitchy.  So, yeah, he's entertaining, but he really missed a bunch of notes and kept dropping the sound.  Maybe it's my TV.  Or maybe I'm sick of the judges licking his balls with praise when his singing really wasn't his best.  Plus, he copied Jared Leto's hair style and even did the same fist pump at the end that Jared does in the video.  Lame.

I just saw that Jacob is singing a freaking Jordan Sparks song. No Air.  OMG, really?  And he's from Compton? Hahahahahahahaha.  I'm totally vomiting right now. I could only watch like 10 seconds before hitting the fast forward button.  Since I'm only watching the judges, I find it hilarious when Steven Tyler is coherent.  They just spent way too much time on the soon-to-be irrelevant Jacob.

OMG.  Is Lauren really doing Carrie Underwood? Flat on the Floor, I've never heard of it. I guess she really decided to leave her comfort zone behind, but Carrie Underwood is nearly impossible.  And she really didn't do it.  Of course the judges are drooling all over themselves.  Ew and Steven is still giving her "the i can't wait until you are legal" eyes.  Gross.  

Scotty is doing country, Gone.  Shocking.  I'm already bored.  And Sheryl Crow just said "I don't think we've seen him do this before." I guess she doesn't watch this show because Scotty does this country shatner, um, EVERY WEEK.  And he's sort of running around all weird and making his funny faces and I'm feeling sort of uncomfortable about the whole thing.  I'm hoping Haley will show me something I want to see.  Holy Crud, I think JLo is going to jump out of her seat and cougar claw his clothes off. And Steven is talking about the devil and waving to the crowd like he's senile.  And if Randy says "In it to win it"...oh, he just did. I could practically script this show.

SHUT UP!!! HALEY IS DOING LADY GAGA.  Some unreleased song called You & I.  I thought about that for her but I just wasn't sure.  I guess we'll see. Great, she's got the producers picking songs for her.  Isn't that like cheating?  Of course Haley's was the best performance (at least the one I like the best) and the judges are crapping all over it.  This show just pisses me off.

Oh jeez, if James starts crying on the stage while singing Without You (which Mariah Carey recorded a few years back so he's basically singing a Mariah Carey song without being cool like when David Cook sang Always Be My Baby and CRUSHED IT) I'm going to actually start puking.  And WhyTF did he pick this song?  Why is he wasting my time?  Now he's just screeching.  Darn it, James, you totally sucked today and I hate you for it.  I almost look forward to your performances but now you are crying all cheesy like and I can't live with this show anymore.  Come on, dude, David Cook came on two years ago and sang a song he wrote about his cancer ridden dying brother (who actually died right before the performance) and managed to hold it together with like one tear sliding down his face.  James was practically weeping because he misses his family.  I'm not trying to be mean (well, maybe a little) but dude's got to hold it together!

Jacob singing Love Hurts.  In what could possibly be the most boring and high pitched performance ever.  I think he just broke a window in my house.  I need a drink.

Lauren singing Unchained Melody.  It's like they don't have an original thought in their heads.  Well, great dress.  I love her dress. Like a lot.  Okay, I'll hand this one to her.  It was pretty good. Oh, and Steven Tyler just upped the creepy meter a few notches.

Scotty singing Elvis, Always on My Mind. I'm sure it will be the same as always and will not be on my mind at all when it's over.  Good, but the same as always.  So, I'm bored.  Sometimes I feel like he may be 20 years too late. Moving right along...

Haley is singing an interesting song, House of the Rising Sun...hmmm...Haley just became my favorite.  She actually has a really awesome voice and doesn't sound like every other person on the radio.  Not that I would know what people sound like on the radio because, as I discovered yesterday, I don't know a single one of the Billboard Top 100 Songs from this week, so I obviously never listen to the radio.  Yeah, in my mind she just crushed it.  And for the first time ever, I agree with the judges cause they just gave her a standing ovation.  And she pretty much shoved the judges previous criticism up their butts. 

So, to wrap it up...Everyone sucked or was meh, except Haley, who made me practically see God with her second performance.  And she almost caused Steven Tyler to have his eyeballs pop out of his head.  Watching Idol is like being in a relationship with someone that you are too comfortable with to leave but too bored with to care about as much as you used to.  This is going to end badly.

Boyfriend is in Seattle....

So, Boyfriend has been in Seattle for work the last few days.  He'll be back on Friday evening. I miss him.  I do however have all this time to do whatever I want.  Though, I'm not very imaginative about it. 
Things I Can Do While Boyfriend is Making the Money

1. Watch as many episodes of Vampire Diaries as I want in a row without being mocked.
2. Eat cake and ice cream for dinner without being mocked.
3. Not exercise without being mocked.
4. Track my heart rate all day without being mocked.
5. Let the dog sleep in the bed.
6. Sleep diagonally.
7. Measure the daily growth of my plants without being mocked.
8. Talk to the plants without being mocked.

Ok, so mostly I can do the things I normally do, just without being teased for it.  I truly lack in the imagination.  I should be out partying or something, but I'm not really a go out and party sort of person.  Mostly I am just a stay at home and entertain myself sort of person.  Does that make me boring?  Omg. I'm boring.  I'm boring to myself even.  I need to come up with a super interesting hobby, like flame juggling. "Jenn, what did you do while I was gone on business?".  "Oh, just a little flame juggling."  That would be awesome.  Mostly, though, I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing and come up with a schedule for our next set of training.  We have the Mini on Saturday and then we really need to get back into a good routine if we are going to do a triathlon this summer.  I doubt sitting around eating ice cream counts as exercise. Really, I just want the weather to not be sucky so we can go kayaking and hike.  

Today is a sunny day and I'm not really sure how to handle it.  It's kind of awkward between me and the sun right now.  I think I'm still mad at it for disappearing for so long without so much as a note of explanation.  But I don't want to shut it out of my life completely for fear that it will leave me permanently because it won't understand that I'm just upset with it right now.  I mean, it's the Sun, so it doesn't really get the whole spectrum of complex human emotions that I go through on any given day. I wish we could just hug it out and move past it, but, again, it's the Sun and I imagine hugging the Sun would leave me with some pretty terrible facial scarring. Nothing is ever easy, I guess.

Until we meet again...

Jenn - Those stupid Idols never listen...