Quote of the Day: "No one will believe you solved this problem in one day! We've been working on it for months. Now, go act busy for a few weeks and I'll let you know when it's time to tell them." - Real Life Dilbert Quotes
Picture of the Day #3:

That is the fire pit
that Boyfriend built in the backyard. This is the view from the Deck. Those logs are from one of the trees that had to be cut down. We are going to lacquer them so that they don't rot and they are the perfect height for seats. We may end up doing something more fancy with that area at some point in the future but for now, we thinks it's neat.
And THIS is American Idol....
Please Note: I actually wrote this part of the blog while watching Idol so it will be a little different then usual.
I see they've dusted off Sheryl Crow
as this week's assistant "mentor". And I thought that it was only in Indiana that the 1990s were making a come back.
So here we go, James is up first. OMG, James is actually going to sing a 30 Seconds to Mars song! Not the one I picked, but still I was close. He's doing Closer to the Edge
. Unfortunately, I really like the song and I think that he was really pitchy. So, yeah, he's entertaining, but he really missed a bunch of notes and kept dropping the sound. Maybe it's my TV. Or maybe I'm sick of the judges licking his balls with praise when his singing really wasn't his best. Plus, he copied Jared Leto's hair style and even did the same fist pump at the end that Jared does in the video. Lame.
I just saw that Jacob is singing a freaking Jordan Sparks song. No Air
. OMG, really? And he's from Compton? Hahahahahahahaha. I'm totally vomiting right now. I could only watch like 10 seconds before hitting the fast forward button. Since I'm only watching the judges, I find it hilarious when Steven Tyler is coherent. They just spent way too much time on the soon-to-be irrelevant Jacob.
OMG. Is Lauren really doing Carrie Underwood
? Flat on the Floor,
I've never heard of it. I guess she really decided to leave her comfort zone behind, but Carrie Underwood is nearly impossible. And she really didn't do it. Of course the judges are drooling all over themselves. Ew and Steven is still giving her "the i can't wait until you are legal" eyes. Gross.
Scotty is doing country, Gone
. Shocking. I'm already bored. And Sheryl Crow just said "I don't think we've seen him do this before." I guess she doesn't watch this show because Scotty does this country shatner, um, EVERY WEEK. And he's sort of running around all weird and making his funny faces and I'm feeling sort of uncomfortable about the whole thing. I'm hoping Haley will show me something I want to see. Holy Crud, I think JLo is going to jump out of her seat and cougar claw his clothes off. And Steven is talking about the devil and waving to the crowd like he's senile. And if Randy says "In it to win it"...oh, he just did. I could practically script this show.
. Some unreleased song called You & I. I thought about that for her but I just wasn't sure. I guess we'll see. Great, she's got the producers picking songs for her. Isn't that like cheating? Of course Haley's was the best performance (at least the one I like the best) and the judges are crapping all over it. This show just pisses me off.
Oh jeez, if James starts crying on the stage while singing Without You
(which Mariah Carey
recorded a few years back so he's basically singing a Mariah Carey song without being cool like when David Cook
sang Always Be My Baby
and CRUSHED IT) I'm going to actually start puking. And WhyTF did he pick this song? Why is he wasting my time? Now he's just screeching. Darn it, James, you totally sucked today and I hate you for it. I almost look forward to your performances but now you are crying all cheesy like and I can't live with this show anymore. Come on, dude, David Cook
came on two years ago and sang a song he wrote about his cancer ridden dying brother (who actually died right before the performance) and managed to hold it together with like one tear sliding down his face. James was practically weeping because he misses his family. I'm not trying to be mean (well, maybe a little) but dude's got to hold it together!
Jacob singing Love Hurts
. In what could possibly be the most boring and high pitched performance ever. I think he just broke a window in my house. I need a drink.
Lauren singing Unchained Melody
. It's like they don't have an original thought in their heads. Well, great dress. I love her dress. Like a lot. Okay, I'll hand this one to her. It was pretty good. Oh, and Steven Tyler just upped the creepy meter a few notches.
Scotty singing Elvis
, Always on My Mind
. I'm sure it will be the same as always and will not be on my mind at all when it's over. Good, but the same as always. So, I'm bored. Sometimes I feel like he may be 20 years too late. Moving right along...
Haley is singing an interesting song, House of the Rising Sun
...hmmm...Haley just became my favorite. She actually has a really awesome voice and doesn't sound like every other person on the radio. Not that I would know what people sound like on the radio because, as I discovered yesterday, I don't know a single one of the Billboard Top 100 Songs from this week, so I obviously never listen to the radio. Yeah, in my mind she just crushed it. And for the first time ever, I agree with the judges cause they just gave her a standing ovation. And she pretty much shoved the judges previous criticism up their butts.
So, to wrap it up...Everyone sucked or was meh, except Haley, who made me practically see God with her second performance. And she almost caused Steven Tyler to have his eyeballs pop out of his head. Watching Idol is like being in a relationship with someone that you are too comfortable with to leave but too bored with to care about as much as you used to. This is going to end badly.
Boyfriend is in Seattle....
So, Boyfriend has been in Seattle
for work the last few days. He'll be back on Friday evening. I miss him. I do however have all this time to do whatever I want. Though, I'm not very imaginative about it.
1. Watch as many episodes of Vampire Diaries
as I want in a row without being mocked.
2. Eat cake and ice cream for dinner without being mocked.
3. Not exercise without being mocked.
4. Track my heart rate
all day without being mocked.
5. Let the dog sleep in the bed.
6. Sleep diagonally.
7. Measure the daily growth of my plants without being mocked.
8. Talk to the plants without being mocked.
Ok, so mostly I can do the things I normally do, just without being teased for it. I truly lack in the imagination. I should be out partying or something, but I'm not really a go out and party sort of person. Mostly I am just a stay at home and entertain myself sort of person. Does that make me boring? Omg. I'm boring. I'm boring to myself even. I need to come up with a super interesting hobby, like flame juggling
. "Jenn, what did you do while I was gone on business?". "Oh, just a little flame juggling
." That would be awesome. Mostly, though, I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing and come up with a schedule for our next set of training. We have the Mini on Saturday and then we really need to get back into a good routine if we are going to do a triathlon this summer. I doubt sitting around eating ice cream counts as exercise. Really, I just want the weather to not be sucky so we can go kayaking and hike.
Today is a sunny day and I'm not really sure how to handle it. It's kind of awkward between me and the sun right now. I think I'm still mad at it for disappearing for so long without so much as a note of explanation. But I don't want to shut it out of my life completely for fear that it will leave me permanently because it won't understand that I'm just upset with it right now. I mean, it's the Sun, so it doesn't really get the whole spectrum of complex human emotions that I go through on any given day. I wish we could just hug it out and move past it, but, again, it's the Sun and I imagine hugging the Sun would leave me with some pretty terrible facial scarring. Nothing is ever easy, I guess.
Until we meet again...
Jenn - Those stupid Idols never listen...
Picture of the Day #3:

That is the fire pit
And THIS is American Idol....
Please Note: I actually wrote this part of the blog while watching Idol so it will be a little different then usual.
I see they've dusted off Sheryl Crow
So here we go, James is up first. OMG, James is actually going to sing a 30 Seconds to Mars song! Not the one I picked, but still I was close. He's doing Closer to the Edge
I just saw that Jacob is singing a freaking Jordan Sparks song. No Air
OMG. Is Lauren really doing Carrie Underwood
Scotty is doing country, Gone
Oh jeez, if James starts crying on the stage while singing Without You
Jacob singing Love Hurts
Lauren singing Unchained Melody
Scotty singing Elvis
Haley is singing an interesting song, House of the Rising Sun
So, to wrap it up...Everyone sucked or was meh, except Haley, who made me practically see God with her second performance. And she almost caused Steven Tyler to have his eyeballs pop out of his head. Watching Idol is like being in a relationship with someone that you are too comfortable with to leave but too bored with to care about as much as you used to. This is going to end badly.
Boyfriend is in Seattle....
So, Boyfriend has been in Seattle
Things I Can Do While Boyfriend is Making the Money
2. Eat cake and ice cream for dinner without being mocked.
3. Not exercise without being mocked.
4. Track my heart rate
5. Let the dog sleep in the bed.
6. Sleep diagonally.
7. Measure the daily growth of my plants without being mocked.
8. Talk to the plants without being mocked.
Ok, so mostly I can do the things I normally do, just without being teased for it. I truly lack in the imagination. I should be out partying or something, but I'm not really a go out and party sort of person. Mostly I am just a stay at home and entertain myself sort of person. Does that make me boring? Omg. I'm boring. I'm boring to myself even. I need to come up with a super interesting hobby, like flame juggling
Today is a sunny day and I'm not really sure how to handle it. It's kind of awkward between me and the sun right now. I think I'm still mad at it for disappearing for so long without so much as a note of explanation. But I don't want to shut it out of my life completely for fear that it will leave me permanently because it won't understand that I'm just upset with it right now. I mean, it's the Sun, so it doesn't really get the whole spectrum of complex human emotions that I go through on any given day. I wish we could just hug it out and move past it, but, again, it's the Sun and I imagine hugging the Sun would leave me with some pretty terrible facial scarring. Nothing is ever easy, I guess.
Until we meet again...
Jenn - Those stupid Idols never listen...
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