Quote of the Day: "We know that communication is a problem, but the company is not going to discuss it with the employees." - Real Life Dilbert Quotes
Picture a Day #2:
This is the new Pink Dogwood
tree that I planted in the front corner. I haven't named it yet.
This picture is actually from 5/3. I still have to take one today. I'm up to date on my twitter account. I swear!
Let's talk Idol...
After much research, I've managed to discover that "Then and Now" week means that the last five standing will be singing two songs each tonight. One song from the 1960s and one current hit. I'm trying to muster up the will to care about this. I am mustering with all my might...and I have failed miserably. Okay, okay, so i did some more research. I Googled the 100 greatest songs from 1960s. Before I get to that, I have to say that all the times I've made fun of the contestants, in my head or on this blog, for being old fashioned or singing old old songs (either by choice or because Idol makes them) has just been justified. I'm not sure how they will pick any good songs from the 1960s...since THEY HAVE ALREADY SUNG THEM ALL. Jeez, seriously, it's going to be some slim pickins tonight. Well, actually, there are plenty of good songs left but all of them have been seriously overdone on Idol. They really need to come up with some new theme ideas. Like British Pop week or Hair Band week or Jenn Picks week. And now back to the regularly scheduled ranting...
So, here are MY choices for what they should sing tonight (and since I won't pick the most overdone and boring songs from the list, it's unlikely they will actually sing any of these. Also I realized that I don't know any of the songs on the Billboard Top 100 from this week, so i picked "now" songs that are just songs from my lifetime):
1. James Durbin: 1960s - Time of the Season
(but do the Scott Wieland version), Now - The Kill
by 30 Seconds to Mars
2. Haley Reinhart: 1960s - Paint It Black
(I realize that Siobhan Magnus did this song last year and it was decent but I'd still like to hear Haley belt it out), Now - I Love Rock & Roll
by Joan Jett & The Blackhawks
3. Jacob Lusk: 1960s - I'm a Believer
(Monkees version. Not that I care, cause he's so boring), Now - I couldn't pick a single song from the last 30 years that I want him to sing...
4. Lauren Alaina: 1960s - The Loco-Motion
(I'm on a friggin mission to hear that song...), Now - I Think We're Alone
Now by Tiffany
5. Scotty McCreery: 1960s - Blowin' In the Wind
(that may be too cool for him), Now - Voodoo
by Godsmack (that's definately too cool for him but he's got the deep voice to pull it off)
Anyway, a girl can dream of a world where it finally stops raining and Idol doesn't suck.
You and me ain't nothing but mammels...
I have a cat named Lucy. She's like a year old now. We couldn't get her spayed because she has this heart murmur and, apparently, putting her under anesthesia has a huge chance of causing her heart to stop. And now she's in friggin' heat. That alone would be bad enough because a female cat in heat is not a fun thing. Funny but not fun. She basically meows a lot, slithers around, and tries to do "it" with everything in the house. The thing that's driving me batty is that my boy cat, Neo, who is also a year old, is banging her every second of every day. Which I have to say is very strange since he's neutered. Having his balls snipped has apparently had absolutely no effect whatsoever on his desire to sex Lucy up every chance he gets. It's was so obnoxious last night cause they kept waking me up. When you have to yell "get a room" at your cats, something just isn't right.
I thought it was funny, at first, so I tried to get some video on my phone to send to Boyfriend (who's in Seattle this week for work). As I was adjusting the lighting in the room to capture the video properly, I realized that it was kind of creepy and weird to be making such an effort to video two cats sexing each other up, so I stopped. Even I have my creepy and weird limits.
Morpheus is also a boy cat but I guess he got snipped correctly because he wants nothing to do with the kitten sexcapades going on in my house. He basically pushes Lucy off the bed or dresser or chair or wherever else he perched when she comes on to him. So he's either not interested or gay, either of which is fine by me because I'm not really sure I could handle my kitten getting gang banged (someone is going to Google that and be very disappointed when my blog comes up as a result).
I think that's all I got for today. Join me tomorrow for my Thursday Idol meltdown and possibly a list of some sort.
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