Friday, May 27, 2011

Impossible just means it hasn't been figured out yet...

Quote of the day: "The best way to avoid criticism is to establish a reputation for being irrational and belligerent at the slightest excuse." - Dilbert

I'm sick of hearing "that's impossible"...

How is it that there is anyone that still thinks that there are impossibilities in the world? Like when I say "it's not unreasonable to think that the laws of physics will one be proven to be incorrect", people get all "It's a law! It's been proven! It's impossible that anything will change that.".  Um, right, because as humans we obviously have figured out all there is to know about everything and there is no way that anything new will ever come to light or that we could be wrong. (And responding with "Your face is impossible!" doesn't get people to take you seriously, FYI). Good thing you weren't around when sailors decided to chance sailing off the edge of the earth when they thought it was flat or else we'd all still be thinking in 2 dimensions...

The thing is that, in my mind, anything is possible, even if it does not seem to be so at the time of the discussion.  Not having the knowledge about something doesn't mean it can't ever be done.  The thing that spurred this was a discussion about aliens.  I believe that there are other being out in the universe and that it's not unreasonable to believe that they could have the ability to do things and travel much further than we earth folk currently can. I'm not saying that all the stories of alien abduction and such are entirely believable, but I also don't think it's entirely impossible. Of course, I got the "it's impossible to travel those distances". Since earth folk haven't figured it out, that must mean that no other beings in all the uncharted universe could possibly have figured that out. I apologize to the entire human race and mean no disrespect, but I don't actually believe that we know everything there is to know about everything ever. I'm basing that on the fact that as soon as I get the newest, most high tech cell phone in a couple of months (Motorola Bionic!!!), five minutes later it will become outdated technology.  So unless there is some evil cell phone conspiracy, one in which all cell phone technology that will ever exist has already been discovered and they are just doling it out in small bits to keep me buying new phones, I'm thinking that people are constantly learning new things. But I digress...

Ok, so, Aliens. One argument that I got to that was, if they are able to travel around the universe, how come they haven't tried to colonize the Earth?  My first reaction to that is, why is it everyone's first thought that everything needs to be taken over?  Seriously, maybe that's why we haven't figured it out yet.  We aren't evolved enough.  Until we stop thinking like territorial animals, maybe we just can't access the other parts of our brain.  Perhaps the aliens that have figured out interstellar travel have also figured out that running around taking over everyone's worlds is a sucky thing to do and so they don't do it.  I mean, if you are smart enough to figure out how to travel the galaxy, there's a good chance you are all smart enough not to bother taking over a planet that is already being overused.  Why not just find another one that's fresh? Duh.  My second reaction is how do we know that colonization hasn't already occurred?  Of course, that's when people roll their eyes.  I'm not saying that it has or hasn't happened.  I'm saying that it's possible.  Assimilation not domination could be the alien slogan.  I'm not saying I believe either way.  My mind doesn't really work that way.  Nothing can be proven 100%.  NOTHING.  It can be mostly proven.  I can lean towards believing one side of an argument is more possibly true that the other side.  But I never believe 100% in anything as true.  Except what I see with my own eyes.  And even that is subject to my own perception of reality.  What I see with my very own eyes could be perceived completely differently than how another person sees the same exact thing with their own eyes.  Anyway, my point is not really about aliens.  My point is that to think that there is anything that is impossible and will always be impossible seems silly to me. 

What I really care about is...

Note: I don't mean to sound like a commercial below, but since I'm now domesticated, these are the things I think about.  And I have a HUGE appreciation for the items below.

As you may or may not know, my house is filled with the following:

4 cats (Morpheus, Trixie, Lucy, Neo)
1 70lb black lab (Dakota)
1 Adult Male (Boyfriend)
3 Tweenage boys (G, E, M)

As you can perhaps imagine, the floors are in a constant state of "ew, what is that?!"  So, though I never thought I would say something like this,  my carpet cleaning devices are my favorite household items on earth. EVER. I love them so much, I occasionally consider leaving Boyfriend to run off with them to a tropical island.

This is my vacuum cleaner.  His name is Larry.  Larry is one of my very best friends.  When my cream color carpet starts to look black from all the friggin Dakota hair (I swear that dog explodes her entire coat of fur on a weekly basis), Larry sucks it all right up.  Larry is the best vacuum cleaner that I have ever owned.  EVER.  I have to be careful with Larry though, because he's so powerful that I almost accidentally sucked one of the kids into his belly.  That would have been not good.  It's amazing how much crud gets onto the floors and carpets within a few days.  With so many pets, we have to vacuum, at minimum, once a week. That's if we are being lazy.  2-3 times a week would be better.  Larry is my hero. 

This is Larry's BFF, Henry.  Occasionally, I cheat on Larry with Henry.  I mostly bought Henry because he's "all terrain" which cracked me up.  Like I'm cleaning the hills and streams of my home. Apparently, "all terrain" just means "can be used on carpets, hardwood, tile, etc." I'm ok with that.  Henry is a little heavy for me to be pushing around in the wilderness.  I hate mopping the floors, but I love to Henry them.  Sometimes, I use the attachment to clean the walls.  That might sound odd, but any of you who have children in the house have probably had the experience where you are walking around the house and will randomly see something unidentifiable splattered on the wall. And in weird places on the wall that you think "how the heck did they get chocolate sauce all the way over/up there?!".  Anyway, Henry is awesome.  Like when the Great Chocolate Milk Disaster of 2011 happens (where you go to take the brand new gallon of chocolate milk out of the fridge and then drop it onto the kitchen floor where it EXPLODES, at which point every child and animal in the house decides to run directly through the lake of chocolate milk.),  I just take Henry and suck it right up.  And then three weeks later when I'm discovering chocolate milk paw prints and chocolate milk splatters on the wall in unusual places throughout the house, Henry helped me out.  The latest thing was cat pee. One of the friggin' cats was feeling like an a-hole and decided that everyday was a fine day to pee on the carpet in the hall in front of the front door.  And washing the whole rug every day was becoming tedious and didn't seem to be getting the pee smell out.  I put some of that special cat urine cleaning stuff into Henry and cleaned the carpet.  That finally got the smell out.
Nature's Miracle Just for Cats Urine Destroyer 32oz
It IS a miracle!!!

On a side note: I was also having the problem that one of the cats was always pooping next to the litter box instead of inside it.  I tried different litters, cleaning them daily, adding more boxes...nothing was working.  It's been driving me crazy for months.  Finally, I'm at the pet store, just staring blankly at things, and notice this litter attractant stuff:

Dr. Elsey's Precious Cat Ultra Litter Attractant 20-oz
I heart you!

OMG IT'S SO FREAKING AWESOME!!  So far...It's only been 4 pooh and pee free days.  I won't get crazy thinking that there has been a miracle but I will gladly continue to buy that stuff if  it means that all four cats will go potty where they are freaking supposed to.

I guess my point is that I never thought that there would be room in my heart of things like carpet cleaners and vacuums.  And now I'm in love with the ones that I own.  I'm not sure how many more of these drastic life changes I can take!

Jenn - I should have my own infomercial...

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