Quote of the Day: "Consultants have credibility because they are not dumb enough to work at your company." - Dilbert
So totally over American Idol...
I finally got around to watching the top three performances from last week, even though I knew Haley had been booted. I wanted to see what reason America had for kicking her off. Other than a certain arrogance, she's a darn good singer.
It would appear that singing ability and the ability to entertain me are not actually criteria for people to vote to keep someone. I think her personality got in the way. It can't be her singing. The girl sang Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, and Alanis Morrisette. And she sang them AWESOME. Plus, she fell on her arse (something I don't think I've ever seen actually happen on Idol) and didn't miss a beat. Meanwhile, though they both can certainly sing well, Scotty and Lauren sang...oh, right, 3 country songs each. Shocking. And Lauren got distracted by a cute boy and forgot to sing a note. But, I guess country music rules the world now or something, because those two are in the final. I'm not going to lie, I probably won't even watch. I think it's time to admit to myself that Idol is dead to me. I just don't care. I haven't bought a single song from this season. I have all of David Cook's performances. I have all of Adam Lambert's performances. I even have most of Lee's performances. I have 0 from this season. ZERO. That tells me that I really just don't care. I'm holding onto a dead relationship with Idol and it's time to let go. I have to move on to something different. Something I can feel the way I felt about Idol a few years back when I started watching it. I'm hoping that something is X Factor. I'm hoping that it's just Simon that's missing from my life. And Paula. I don't care what anyone says, Paula is pure genius. She may not intend to be. She may be barely lucid at most times. But she's too much unintentional comedy to sit on the sidelines. I'm glad her and Simon are secretly in love and that he has brought her back into the world of judging. I will, however, really miss Ryan Seacrest. That man is not only a machine, but also my hero. I actually think he's a robot. I can't prove it. He's too good to let that happen. But, mark my words, one day it will come to light that he is a robot and I want everyone reading this to remember that I said it. Ryan Seacrest is a robot. Tell your friends.
Let's Flashback to 2007-2008...
Since my life revolves around TV, so does my calender. I do not count time passing as Jan - Jan. i count it as September to September. But I digress...
In the year 2007-2008, those of us who's existences revolve around fictional characters (right, pathetic, blah blah, I get it), were forced to find other forms of entertainment due to the writers' strike. I mean, there was no LOST to watch!!! Does anyone remember how awful that was? It was, take my word for it. So, I had to find other entertainments. Looking back on the blogs from that time, I am cracking up. From that era come such fine blogs as:
4. December 27, 2007: When Did I become a character in a Chuck Palyhniuk novel? (One of my favorites)
5. January 10, 2008: I am Jenn's rusty lungs... (i am an angsty mo fo)
There was a point to this other then the walk down memory lane...what was it? Oh, right, writers' strike, no tv, had to find other things to do. But that is not what brought up 2007-2008 in my mind originally. What actually got me thinking about it was Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. It's been the complete obsession of my household. One of the kids has actually memorized all the words to all the songs. Boyfriend keeps watching it. And like any good ADD addled brain, my mind jumped like this...
1. Hmmm...everyone really likes that Dr. Horrible show.
2. I wonder when that came out? (Looks it up on the interwebs)
3. Oh, 2008, hmmm, wasn't that when the writer's strike was? (Looks it up on the interwebs)
4. It was! I really hated that. I totally missed LOST when it was off air for a few months.
5. Hmmmm...LOST...I really missed all TV. I wonder what I was doing.
6. I'll go look at old blogs.
7. Hahahahahaha...I am funny AND angsty. OMG. I write the same stuff every year. I'm redundent.
8. I should blog about that.
9. Somehow end up starting blog with American Idol, then remembering I want to blog about Dr. Horrible, then blogging about old blogs, then finally getting to Dr. Horrible.
10. End of thoughts.
All my best ideas are in the shower...
It used to be that all my best ideas where in the 3 hours a day I spent in the car. I also did my best thinking in the car. In the car, I was this totally deep, introspective person with great understanding of myself and the world around me. In the car, I was practically self-actualized and had no where left on the pyramid of needs to go. Of course, the moment I stepped out of the car, I was back to being randomly funny, often angsty, always confused Jenn. In my car was all the power and understanding in the universe. Outside my car, nothing. I mean, it was only a Ford Focus 3 door hatchback, so I'm not sure how all that universe stuff fit inside, but it did. I miss that car...again, I digress. Now that I don't drive 3 hours a day, I find that all my good thinking is done in the shower. I was thinking the stuffing out of life and the world in the shower this morning. I had something super awesome and deep to blog about and I was going to sound smart and better then just normal Jenn. Of course, the moment I stepped out of the shower, I totally forgot. It could have been when I was blow drying my hair. Or straightening it (34 years and I've finally almost got the hang of a straightening iron! I'm so close!!!) I don't know. I can't remember when the thoughts fell out of my head. Which just reminded me of how badly I need to start recording notes to myself because I can't remember anything I ever want to say. Curses. Stupid brain foiled me again!!!
Until next time...
Jenn - I am totally superficial but not superficial at all....
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