Quote of the Day: I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either - Dilbert
Picture of the Day #4:
This is the super awesome garden box
that Boyfriend build for me. Soon, I will fill it with the dirt and the veggies to grow. If it ever stops raining.
Picture of the Day #5:
This is the super awesome frozen custard
I had at lunch today. And now I'm falling into a deep and restful custard coma.
The Sun...
This morning when I woke up it was raining. I guess that's the norm now. But a funny thing happened. The sun, it just came out of nowhere like a ninja
. Only a lot more obvious than a ninja
since ninjas
are stealthy and the sun is not so much with the stealthiness, being so bright and shiny and all. So now it's like this beautiful day outside and I'm trapped in a cubicle far far away from any windows. I need to go for a walk.
Though I am woefully under trained
for the 20k that I am to embark upon tomorrow morning, I am excited to do it. I have to drive downtown to pick up my race packet, which does not excite me.
Okay, so I'm not feeling very communicative at the moment, so I will be on my way.
Jenn - I'll do better next time...
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